Examples Of Christian Heroism

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A Christian Hero is a defender of Orthodoxy, who spreads God's word while demonstrating the teachings of Jesus. Christian Heroism means someone is completely willing to dedicate their life to spread the Word of God. This is made possible through everyone who sacrificed everything they had to teach people about God. Everyone is called to Christian heroism but only those who listen to God can be true Heroes. In the words of St. Augustine, " Let thy mercy shine on me, that I may inquire and find an answer" (Augustine Chapter IX). Christian heroism means dedicating your life to the service of God, and spreading his teachings. St. Antony gave up his inherited wealth to live a live as a hermit, fighting the temptations of the devil. "Reminding …show more content…

St. Polycarp literally exemplifies this when he refused to give up his faith and is martyred, Polycarp also shows that he is a Christian hero when an eyewitness wrote “ For he (Polycarp) waited for his betrayal, just like the Lord did, so that we might follow him, in looking out for the needs of others as well as ourselves. St, Patrick also followed this example when he went back to Ireland and lead the Irish people to a new chapter of Christian following. He went back to IReland after he experienced a major conversion of God, “ And the Lord opened the sense of my unbelief that I might at last remember my sins and be converted with all my heart to the Lord my God” (Patrick Paragraph 2). St. Antony followed his faith and became a hermit living in cave for most of his life, fasting in the name of the lord. This is recounted by Athanasius when he writes "He had one of his acquaintances shut him up alone in one off the tombs and bring him bread at intervals of many days" (paragraph 8). Antony also helped start some of the early Monasteries because he told his followers, " Young men should be earnest in training instead of trying stimulate the body they should be accustomed to hard work" (Paragraph 7). As J.B Lightfoot wrote, "The early church was hated by society and government of the Roman Empire" (Introduction Polycarp). As this quote shows, Christianity was …show more content…

Like St. Augustine, he ignored God for much of his early life but had a conversion and became a symbol of the Early Church. He accounts this in Chapter X of book eight of his Confessions, " While I was deliberating whether I would serve the Lord my God now, as I had long purposes to do." This shows that St. Augustine, like all of us, was called to live a religious life. Church Leaders like Bishop St. Ambrose are especially called to heroism, "As Bishop of Milan, St Ambrose became an ardent opponent of the Arian heresy, as well as a renowned preacher" (Armenio 70). If Ambrose had not been a member clergy he might not have been able to have the political power that he

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