Examples Of Child Observation

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I was able to observe an infant his name is mark this is eight months old . Then I got the chance to observe a toddler and her name is Lailany and she is three. I was able to observe their physical / Motor skills. I got the chance to observe their cognitive thinking and language communication also. And my last focus was social and emotional development. I decided that I would observe both of these children during their dinner time. When I was observing Mark my first focus was physical and motor skills.During dinner time came to see that baby Mark was about 15 pounds and about 26 inches of length he is a small child. Mother sat during dinner and fed Mark in her bed room bed he was able to sit with out anyone holding him. Baby Mark would go from the sitting position to laying down he was able to roll both ways. Occasionally he would also start crawling around the bed. As Mark was sitting he would reach for his spoon and he would grab and play with it occasionally if not he would just grab it. Baby Mark has a pretty good physical and Motor skills as it should be at his age level. With Lailany her physical and Motor skills where a little different she weight about 35 pounds and was about 37 inches …show more content…

The child would laugh with the mom when she began to feed and toward the end the child began to get upset cause he did not want to eat anymore. The child was able to show full emotion when the child noticed I was there he got really serious out of no where but he was able to get use to me eventually. Mark was able to play by himself with no hesitation. Mark was specially happy when he would look at himself in mother bedroom mirror he would laugh and point at the mirror so mom could see. And everytime mother would pay attention to him he would stand still and cherrish the affection that mom would grant him. Mark seems like he has pretty normal social and emotional

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