Essay On Upward Bound

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During the summer of 2015, I worked as a Resident Advisor in the University of Wisconsin- River Falls Trio Upward Bound. At the end of the program, the students went on a summer trip to New York and I was one of the staffs in charge of chaperone. New York City is huge and it’s an unfamiliar place for me. When I was learning to use public transportation in my hometown, it took a while for me to learn and long enough for me to build up the courage to ride the transportation alone. The trip to New York this time around, I had to familiarize myself with the area and how the public transportation works in New York. Not only was I going to be using public transportation to get around in New York, but I had to lead a group of students along with …show more content…

Just to name a few, I had to make sure that my students were in good health (most importantly hydrated), know where to stand while waiting for the subways, and teach them to be on an alert for pickpocketers. It was my responsibility to make sure that my students were safe and we as a group, were able to get to the schedule location on time. Never in my life had I ever lead a group of students to a big city like New York. It was my first time and I found it challenging and it took a lot of effort. I had to use my intuition to make appropriate decisions for my group. I had to make sure that I didn’t leave a student behind anywhere. I researched ahead of time on the locations outside of the scheduled ones for appropriate transportation and located possible restroom stops nearby. I carried a jugged of water around to make sure that my students had access to water. I made sure to ask for help when I didn’t know whether I should turn right or left on a street. There was a time that we missed the last subway to head back to the Hostel and I had to find another subway that could take us back late at night. I love to be in my comfort zone but during this trip, I had to learn to go above and

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