Penn Station Observation

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My field of study is at Pennsylvania Station particularly the NJ Transit Terminal. Penn Station is located on the west side of Manhattan between 7th and 8th Avenue and between 31st and 34th Street. Penn Stations main entrance is how most people get to the terminal but NJ transit has its own entrance is at the corner of 31st street and 7th Avenue. I arrived at the station on a Friday night around 7 p.m. and I left around 9 P.M. I chose his time because it is towards the end of rush hour which allowed me to observe the different types of commuters and people occupying the space. When first arriving the architecture is not the first thing I observed due to the massive crowds and movement of people in the station. The station was loud with the …show more content…

There were also small amounts of people appearing to be in early 20s dressed in casual clothes but lacking any luggage that you would associate with tourists so perhaps students commuting. There were very few families and if there were they appeared to be tourists or people leaving on vacation. There was also a large amount of homeless people they tend to avoid the main waiting area but can be found everywhere else in the terminal. The homeless people vary in age but most appear to be older than 30. The homeless are often ignored by most daily commuters while tourists and people who are not familiar with the station appeared to be uncomfortable or even scared of them. The mass crowd of business types seem to not only ignore homeless people they also ignore each other. there is very little communication between people. When listening to two older business men who appeared to work together they just talked about weekend plans there behavior made it seem that waiting in the busy station was just normal part of life. I only heard a few people talk about the station being

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