Essay On The Muscular System

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The primary function of the muscular system is to aid in different movements – such as walking, running, and jumping. It also handles a couple of involuntary actions, like the beating of your heart.
The major organs of the muscular system are the skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles. Skeletal muscles control voluntary actions that are preformed consciously, and are the only muscles that do so. Most skeletal muscles are connected across a joint, and serve to contract to move different parts of the body closer to or farther away from each other, such as your bones. Smooth muscle, also known as visceral muscle, is found in certain organs – such as the stomach – and is one of the two types of involuntary muscles that are controlled by the unconscious part of your brain. Its main function is to send signals to and cause certain organs to contract and push substances through them. Cardiac muscle exists in only one organ – the heart. Its purpose is to pump blood throughout the body, and is the other muscle kind that is controlled unconsciously, making it an involuntary muscle. Although its contracting can be regulated, cardiac muscle stimulates itself to contract.
The muscular system works closely with both the nervous system and the skeletal system. The nervous system tells the muscular system what to do by sending signals to it through the many nerves it has throughout the body. The skeletal system and the muscular system share a function, as they work together to allow humans to be able to move their different limbs. Also, due to the heart also being part of the circulatory system, the two systems share an organ. This organ pumps blood to the muscles, which allows them to keep working.
Some interesting facts are:
• It takes a lon...

... middle of paper ... facts are:
• The entire system of blood vessels residing in the human body is about sixty thousand miles long.
• Human adults have about five to six liters of blood, which is pumped all throughout the body in around a minute with an average heart.
The circulatory system is one of the different systems that is very easily taken aback by diseases, such as arteriosclerosis and hypertension. Arteriosclerosis is when fat deposits in blood vessels causes the walls of the blood vessels to thicken. This can restrict, or even stop, the blood flow, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Often, this disease is caused by excessive amounts of fat, cholesterol, and calcium. Hypertension is a condition in which the heart must work harder than the normal, which can lead to heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure. This specific condition is also known as high blood pressure.

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