Essay On The Skeletal System

726 Words2 Pages

Main Functions of the Skeletal System Depicting its Disorder

Introduction: The skeletal system is composed of two hundred and six bones in the human body. Functions such as the tendons, cartilage, and ligaments connect the bones and tissues together. Bone tissues make up about 18% of the weight of the human body. There are two types of tissue inside the bones. They consist of; compact bone and spongy bone. First, compact bone depicts the main shaft of long bones in the human body such as the arms and legs. Its tissue is dense and hard and it also makes up the outer layer of most bones in our body. Meanwhile, spongy bone tissue is made up of smaller plates occupied with red bone marrow. Mostly, it is found at the ends of long bones such as the head of the femur. …show more content…

The two hundred and six bones in the human body produces a lot of blood cells, store important minerals such as homeostasis (storage and release), and also release hormones, which are necessary to life. During body movement, the skeletal system assists by contracting and pulling on bone to produce movement. Although, in the world we all live in today, skeleton symbolizes all kinds of means/significant reasons. From people using it as a symbol for death (Halloween, rituals, etc.), movies, and many other scary things, the real fact is that skeletal system is one of the most body’s most life giving systems. Apart from other living organs such as the skin, eyes, and many more, the bones are the main primary function that carries them all. Bones are sturdy and firm, but each one in our bodies has their own blood, lymphatic vessels, and nerves. Being the fact that the skeletal system makes up our body movements, support, and protection, it also has its

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