Jenna Peters
The Effect of Mint on Your Body Temperature
The Effect of Mint on Your Body Temperature
you know how mint effects your body temperature? Does the ingestion of mint lower or raise your body temperature? Through a series of investigations it is the intent of this report to investigate if mint, in the form of mint oil or artificial flavoring and cooling agents will lower your body temperature. Mint can come in many forms and is used in a variety of different products. The more common forms of mint plants are peppermint, spearmint, pineapple mint, apple mint and ginger mint, to name a few (Tilley). The most prevalent uses of mint are in candies, breath fresheners, oral care products and are usually paired with cooling
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Jupiter Ed
9 of 9 12/16/2017, 1:36
Except as provided in subparagraph [1] (C) and (D), the predominant use of any property shall be determined based on—
The normal core temperature in adults ranges between 36.5°C and 37.5°C and hypothermia can be defined as core body temperature less than 36°C.(ref 1)
Cinnamon is metabolized into sodium benzoate and eating cinnamon significantly elevates the level of sodium benzoate in your brain. Recent studies have shown that sodium benzoate helps with brain function and may prevent neurological disorders. It does this by creating a significant number of chemicals in the brain called neurotropic factors. These factors stimulate the birth of new neurons and encourage the survival of existing neurons. This greatly slows down degenerative diseases of the brain like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
Animal metabolism consists of the utilization of nutrients absorbed from the digestive tract and their catabolism as fuel for energy or their conversion into substances of the body. Metabolism is a continuous process because the molecules and even most cells of the body have brief lifetimes and are constantly replaced, while tissue as a whole maintains its characteristic structure. This constant rebuilding process without a net change in the amount of a cell constituent is known as dynamic equilibrium (Grolier1996). In the combustion of food, oxygen is used and carbon dioxide is given off. The rate of oxygen consumption indicates the energy expenditure of an organism, or its metabolic rate (Grolier1996).
The theory is that peppermint stimulates the brain in a calm way reducing stress and anxiety. For example Mortensen explains what the theory is, “Peppermint also increased their alertness while helping them maintain a sense of calm.” According to research by Mortensen, even just the scent of peppermint can lighten a stressful atmosphere.(Mortenson, 2015) The theory has been proven as true by the simple fact that the holiday candy stimulates brain activity. For instance Mortenson describes the effect of peppermints to the brain, the hybrid mint increases oxygen and blood pressure and then brings the blood and oxygen to the brain. This oxygen and blood are used and increases concentration and focus. (Mortenson, 2015) The mint used in the experiment has been proven to increase the brain's natural
Maintaining normal core body temperature (normothermia) in patients within perioperative environments is both a challenging and important aspect to ensure patient safety, comfort and positive surgical outcomes (Tanner, 2011; Wu, 2013; Lynch, Dixon & Leary, 2010). Normorthermia is defined as temperatures from 36C to 38C, and is maintained through thermoregulation which is the balance between heat loss and heat gain (Paulikas, 2008). When normothermia is not maintained within the perioperative environments, and the patient’s core body temperature drops below 36C, they are at risk of developing various adverse consequences due to perioperative hypothermia (Wagner, 2010). Perioperative hypothermia is classified into three
We can see vapor cigarettes everywhere these days, even becoming a media spotlight. They are advertised in many ways, from an alternative to smoking to a miracle product that has the ability to cure the habit forever. However, the only problem with these claims is that not all of them might be accurate, as far as critics are concerned. To get a good insight on this matter, let us take a look at its pros and cons.
The peppermint works because when the scent of the peppermint increases oxygen, and blood pressure. Blood brings oxygen to the brain, and if peppermint increases the amount of oxygen in the blood. It then will increase blood pressure, that means the more oxygen traveling to your brain. The more oxygen the brain recieves or is available tothe better you can concentrate and focus. Taste of peppermint can greatly improve memory and can work faster. Smell of peppermint slightly improves memory.
Product - A product is seen as an item that satisfies what a consumer demands. It is a tangible good or an intangible service. Tangible products are those that have an independent physical existence. Typical examples of mass-produced, tangible objects are the motor car and the disposable razor. A less obvious but ubiquitous mass-produced service is a computer operating system.
“Researchers at Ohio State University conducted what they say is the most scientifically rigorous test of physical changes caused by smelling the popular scents — and came up with nothing,” says JoNel Aleccia (2008). So this theory explains that the oils and the scents of the oils only make you feel good as opposed to actually getting well, that the fact that these oils actually work is all in the head.
Sweating and Heat Loss Investigation Aim To find out whether heat is lost faster over a sweaty body compared to a dry body. Apparatus 2 Boiling tubes 47ml max 2 Measuring jug 50ml max A Beaker 250ml max 2 thermometers Paper towels A kettle to boil water A stopwatch 2 magnifying glasses (8x) 2 corks with a small hole through the centre A test tube rack Preliminary work In my preliminary work, I need to find out how much water to use, whether the tissue should be wet with hot/cold water, how often the readings should be taken, how accurate should the readings be, how many readings should be taken and what my starting temperature should be. My results are as follows. Starting temperature of 40°c Time (secs) Wet towel (°c) Dry towel (°c) 30 36 38.9 60 35 38.5 90 34 37.9 120 33.9 37.5 150 33 37 180 32.6 36.9 210 32.3 36.8 240 31 36.5 270 30.4 36 300 30.3 35.9 Starting temperature of 65°c Time (secs) Wet towel (°c) Dry towel (°c) 30 51.1 53 60 48.2 51.9 90 46.4 51 120 46 50 150 44.3 49 180 42.9 48.4 210 42.6 46.9 240 41.7 48 270 40.2 47.5 300 39.3 47 Starting temperature of 60°c Time (secs) Wet towel (°c) Dry towel (°c)
There are lots of benefits of using this highly prescribed combination, below is the list of top benefits of honey and cinnamon:
It must be used or proposed to be used in relation to goods or services.
My passion for “original” medicine, also known as natural medicine, will elicit an advancement in the diversity of medicine. There needs to be a paradigm shift in the way the field of medicine is viewed, by both the public and the physician. When I become a physician, I will indubitably utilize the power of natural medicine to offer vitality and true health to my patients. I will be an advocate of diversity and I will be a pioneer of what is seemingly “abstract” medicine, which has technically been around longer than any class of medication; simply, Foxglove (Digitalis Lanata) came before Digox, and Poppy (Papaver Somniferum) before Vicodin-case closed. The reality is that Western medicine is diametrically opposed to the medicine practiced by the cultures of many of America’s inhabitants. It is
The term "product" refers to tangible, physical products as well as services. It also means defining the characteristics of your product or service to meet the customers' needs. AirAsia’s philosophy is girded by the fact that they have been seen as a small airline competitor for many years. Therefore, in order to win more customers and return customers, they need to ensure that their primary products and services are up to par and meet the defining needs of customers. AirAsia offered (product) tangible and (services) intangible good to increase the demand of customer. (AIR ASIA MARKETING PLAN, 2015)