Essay On Spirituality

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A spirit is something that may be felt in the essence of the world but ultimately guides understanding into the meaning of life. Spirituality is often perceived in different ways by different cultures, religions, families, or even the individual. Often, the common theme that spirituality focuses on something greater than the physical world and allows people to feel connected to what it truly means to be a human on earth. Though spirituality and religion are separate concepts, many believe they are intrinsically linked. One such person is a freshman nursing student, Rachel. Rachel believes that spirituality is the free thought that is supported by the institution of religion. Many often believe religion to be more based around rules and customs …show more content…

Though she finds strength and security in God, she also acquires these traits from other sources. A main source of strength for her is her family. She is lucky enough to come from a home in which her parents are still married and she believes their strength in marriage has provided her and her sister strength in life. She knows her family will always be there if she were to need them and she finds comfort in their unconditional love. Rachel also feels secure in the connections she has with her friends, peers, and her boyfriend. Knowing she has a support system to fall back on allows her to reach for things she may otherwise not. Having people who love and care for her shows her meaning in life and guides her to do the same for others. This is one of the main reasons she is pursuing the career of nursing. Helping and being supported by others is where she finds meaning in life and she wants to be able to share this with all that she …show more content…

As a nurse, she hopes to become more cultured in the different beliefs of others in order to truly care for her patients in the best way. Having an understanding of what gives her strength, however, will allow her to perhaps offer guidance to those who feel lost or even pray with those who find peace in religion. Though she may not always understand the practices of others, she knows that spirituality has the power to truly help heal those in need and she plans to respect all practices and only intervene if the practices seem detrimental to the health of the patient or

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