Spiritual Care In Nursing: The Career Of Nursing

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The career of nursing has countless aspects that are imperative for the effectiveness and overall satisfaction of care for the average person. These aspects include physical care, mental health care, and spiritual care. The aspect of spiritual care includes the nurse assessing her clients’ spiritual health and creating a plan for complete treatment. Spirituality may be a specific object or person the client connects with, so nurses must be aware of each client’s spiritual preference. The United States has a vast diversity of people where every client the nurse encounters will value something completely different. More religious people might value a cross or a bible in their room. Some might want their family to frequently visit. Others might prefer a certain type of music playing at a certain time of the day. With violent protests, mass shootings, and threat of war looming over the Unites States’ head every day, spiritual care is going to be on a major upsurge in the health career fields.
Assessment of client’s Spirituality When a nurse provides her clients with a spiritual assessment, she should have all of her clients take the same spirituality assessment, so she can easily monitor their spiritual health and can compare them together. If the same test is …show more content…

First, sitting down and cracking open a new book is a very calming feeling, for she gets lost in the pages for a few hours and temporarily forgets about her stressors. Then, getting out of the house to stretch her legs and enjoying the beauty of nature relaxes her mind. Finally, watching television with her loved ones gives her time to wind down from the day and crack some jokes by making fun of a character’s terrible decisions. Being surrounded by the ones she loves are the most unforgettable moments. She can obtain more peace by setting side time to read that new book or scheduling a day to walk on a new

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