Spirituality in Nursing

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Throughout the healthcare field there is so much diversity in each client, which can be attributed to different backgrounds and spirituality of the patient. Spirituality in nursing is significant because many clients based their healthcare views off of spirituality and to provide them with the best care as possible. Spirituality and religion have different denotations and personal meanings to an individual person. The connotation of spirituality is a personal faith that is based off of one’s experiences and own beliefs. According to Jarvis (2012), “religion is the belief in a diving or superhuman power… to be obeyed and worshiped as the creator(s) and ruler(s) of the universe (p. 15). Personally, my view of spirituality coincides with religion, due to my spirituality being based off of the religion that I practice. I interviewed a 19-year-old Caucasian female, M.M., about her spirituality and how that attributes to her healthcare views. The focus of the client’s spirituality is directed towards being healthy in the mind, body, and spirit. The client’s spirituality will be discussed, as well as a teaching plan that is attributed to the client’s own spirituality.
Spirituality to the Patient
The client believes that spirituality and religion are intertwined, which is holistic and should be mindful of the entire being. M.M. believes that being spiritual incorporates the mind, body, and spirit. The client believes that being spiritual is not only about the belief in a personal existence beyond human, but having a belief of a greater being, God. She considers herself a Christian, which accepts the beliefs and practices of the bible. Something that is specific to the client’s spirituality is that the client fasts every week because she...

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...s regularly and may engage in more healthy practices as needed.
The client’s spirituality is important because as nurses, we should be aware of their beliefs because it impacts their plan of care. If someone does not belief in a certain practice, we should be respectful of that because it is his or her belief. M.M.’s spirituality is based off her religion of Christianity. Her practices are to holistically take care of her body in order to honor and glorify the Lord.

Works Cited

Jarvis, C. (2012). Physical examination & health assessment (6 ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier
Mayo Clinic. (2011) Fitness Basics. Retrieved March 16, 2014, from http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/fitness/basics/fitness-basics/hlv-20049447 USDA. (2012). Healthy Eating tips. Retrieved March 16, 2014, from

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