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Equality and fairness
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Social justice is fairness, an act that shows regard and looks after the safety and rights of our fellow human beings. Social justice requires that the rules of society are fair for all and that all people abide by these rules. Equality is a major context in social justice and plays an important part in social fairness issues, for example fair treatment given to people and treated as equal persons by having their basic needs met (Buettner-Schmidt & Lobo, 2011, p. 948-952). However these principles usually come into conflict making it difficult to have these objectives met. Social justice is related to individual’s being respected, being treated fairly and given dignity without showing bias. This then results in people’s perception of being treated honestly, openly and with consideration, thereby supporting and engaging in the wider social system (Buettner-Schmidt & Lobo, 2011, p. 948-952). Social justice has several theoretical perspectives to argue ones viewpoint of justice and fairness. This assessment will endeavour to highlight three of these perspectives on what social justice means. Utilitarian Perspectives: According to utilitarianism, a society has its laws and institutions to promote the greatest overall or average happiness to its people. How is this happiness determined to the members of society? Happiness cannot be directly measured with anything we have available, so utilitarians must approach this indirectly – that being an idea of good (Camic, 1979, p.519-522). This theory of good is required for them to flourish with social conditions and forms, that will benefit people in society and is essential to the recognition of that good, which is the principle of utility (Camic, 1979, p.519-522). People thoug... ... middle of paper ... ...ere is pure competition, hence the individuals who cannot be in competition are robbed of justice and fairness. Libertarians don’t seem to realize that the conditions of justice require attention for individuals who need to be free of coercion or fraud and having equality. In comparing the feminist perception, this has highlighted the steps put forward in helping women to gain status in society to have fair and equal rights. We can take into account that the utilitarians did support the equality of women in society intended for the general welfare and promotion of justice. Along with the strategies above, confronting culture-based obstacles to social justice, social change activists should continue to support every opportunity for policy change and concentrate of social injustice, with long term emphasis on involvement in social equality for all human beings.
In my eyes, social justice is an action of equality for everyone regardless of their color, ethnic ground, or gender. Since we all breath, we should have the same economical rights, political rights, social rights and the same amount of opportunities. Everyone should have economical rights because if one works hard for something they should be able to be rewarded with a good return. Everyone should also have political rights because it gives the nation as an entirety the right to a make decision rather than just to certain people. Social rights are also something everyone should have because it allows everyone to get an education, house, right to health, and other important things. Everyone having the same amount of opportunities is also what social justice should be because no one should be considered better than another person unless they really know the person. Therefore, knowing what social justice is can help us better understand what Shakur is trying to teach us about social
Everyone regarding social justice should feel this way because we are all born with morals that allow us to feel bad when others are hurt, so we should act on that feeling that it is bad. As humans, we need to act on these morals in order to do our duty to help others and to be good to them. Socratic Questions 2.
The task of identifying my social identity was easier said than done. I acknowledged the somewhat privilege I encounter along with the oppression I endure. In retrospect, my social identity unambiguously resembles a coin where on one side oppression lies with dirt rusting but on the flip side privilege stares right back at me, shining bright. I initially could not see the benefits since I’m a low income college student. I became too encompassed with one side of the coin. After we learned what the word, privilege, indeed meant, I realized the various facets of my life in which that word could apply. Self pity can greedily advance on you from out of nowhere thus averting you from flipping the coin. I familiarized with counting my struggles instead of my blessings. In accordance with my social identity I would say I’m privileged with the
Critical social justice, unlike the more mainstream social justice, looks at the inequalities present in society more critically and actively tries to change them. Though the word “critical” has many negative connotations critical social justice purpose is not to judge but to help people think about the different perspectives of an issue. Nothing happens in a vacuum and when looking at an issue critical social justice understands that a person has to comprehend the history and cultural perspectives surrounding the issue. The more critical social justice realizes that inequality is not just a hateful word here or there, but is actually is something ingrained into the structures that make up
Social Justice is equality and fairness for all human beings. It is the subject of many official Catholic teachings and Catholics Organisation. To understand the reasons for the compassion and love by Catholics seeking peace and justice for all humanity, it is important to examine a specific example of human injustice in the world today.
My definition of social justice in the field of education is based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child and the British-Colombia School Act that state that every child has a right to a proper education (UNICEF, n.d.; School Act, RSBC 1996, c. 412). A proper education to me is based on opportunity. I believe that in order to have a proper education, children should all be entitled to equal opportunity in their learning process. Children should have equal opportunity to obtain the supports that will assist them in achieving their potential.
Does justice exist in America? Yes, justice does exist in America, but for whom is the question real question. In America all citizens should feel equal to one another but that is not the case. Rather than feeling equal to one another, the blacks and whites of the country feel hatred to one another. In American justice is served but it is mainly for whites and not blacks. The word justice is defined as the quality of being fair and reasonable. Unfortunately in America, justice is not always equally served due to racism in the modern society.
Defined by the NASW (2016), social justice is the idea that everyone is entitled to equal economic, political, and social rights and opportunities. This is one of the main goals social workers aim to achieve. There are many injustices occurring in the world today, such as wage inequalities, institutional racism, and the amount of people living in poverty. Fighting for social justice is fighting for equality in all of these
In correlating the scores from the Self-Assessment Exercise located on pages 58-59 of our text book I have discovered that the fairness for which I score my place of work, and the organization for which I work, the highest is in fact Interpersonal Justice; for which my combines score totaled 13 out of a possible 15. This places Interpersonal justice at a very high overall level of perceived justice for me. And I can think of many reason ranging from the broad to the personal, and from the historic to the current, which all could be contributors to my having this perception.
Institutions that affect our social justice views can include religions, schools, our government, social networking and media. Our own identity of ourselves is highly impacted by the restrictions and judgments that come along with these institutions. Whether you believe in it or not, you are impacted directly by the views from these institutions. The views of these institutions can be a determining factor in your decisions, because if you decide the rebel against these views you can look like an outsider. Social justice defines what should be done in order the live the perfect American Dream, be socially acceptable, fulfill life to the fullest and be an active member of society.
We live in a world full of many societal issues. The aspects that determine whether one will have a successful or unsuccessful life is due to their characteristics such as race, gender, and social status. In the book Is Everyone Really Equal, Ozlem Sensoy and Robin DiAngelo’s exigence is to express the following issues and to encourage the reader to work upon changing the world through social injustice, oppression, power, and community.
He begins with a brief acknowledgement of Dr. Dorothy Pearson and her incredible contributions to social work. He then moved into discussing social justice and social equity to lay a definitional foundation for his lecture. He went on to say social justice is a process and not
Social justice is a core value in the social work field. We define social justice as, “all citizens would possess equal fundamental rights, protection, opportunities, obligations and social benefits (Kirst-Ashman & Hull, 2015, p. 29). Unfortunately, we understand there are many members in today’s society that are not receiving social justice. Some may not want help and believe that s/he is able to do it on their own and then there are the individuals that we may not know about that could really use our help. Our jobs as social workers is to help those who need help no matter if they are rich, poor, disabled, white, Hispanic, it does not matter because everyone should be treated equally. As NASW states, “The original mission of social work had much to do with championing the rights of society’s most vulnerable members, from children to homeless people to the physically disabled” (NASW: National Association of Social Workers, 2015, para. 1).
Capeheart, L., Milovanovic, D. (2007). Social Justice: Theories, Issues and Movements. USA: Rutgers University Press
What does social justice mean to a mother on welfare struggling to feed her family, or to a young college graduate looking for a job? Of course it can be said that all people are subject to the same experiences included in the American dream no matter race, religion, gender, economic status; yet centuries seem to fly by like water in a downhill stream, and the world’s smudged reality of social justice is still intact. Social justice is defined as fair treatment in the distribution of wealth, opportunity, and privileges: this includes education, economic opportunities, health care, property, and fair subjugation to laws. Although some progress has been made, it is still very important for society to fully grasp