Essay On Self Reflection

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Self-reflection paper Throughout the semester, I have learned verity of new things from this management class. Additionally, this class helped me to think critically and intellectually about decision making and time management. Since I believe these two things are very important in our everyday lives. At the beginning of the semester it was really hard for me to manage time schedules with my four classes. But I did progress a lot as to how I can manage time management. After taking ten different self-assessment exercises, I learned about myself better than before. I will consider two self-assessment exercises to reflect my strengths and weaknesses on this paper. According to the book, I learned that the emotional intelligence includes interpersonal skills and the ability to manage other’s behaviors and emotions in the workplace. According to the emotional intelligence assessment, I have high ability to accurately perceive, evaluate, express and regulate emotions and feelings. Likewise, I am very good at handling myself in social situations. Besides, when someone shares something with me, I am good at listening actively and I am also good at giving constructive feedback. After finishing this self-assessment, I came to know that I am an extrovert. Which means that I have a very good communication skill to interact different types of …show more content…

And that makes me a hard worker, because I take time and effort to know the person better and lead that person in the right way in order to complete a task successfully. Being an extrovert would be the second emotional intelligence strength, because it helps me to communicate with others and help them to the right way. The last strength I have is that, “I think before I act”. It helps me to make less mistakes in work place. It would also help to be a good

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