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European colonization of America
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Violence acts without borders or race, but violence does not act on its own. Throughout the creation of New World violence played a vital role among the Europeans, Africans, and Native Americans. The colonial era brought about devastating violence such as murder, rape, kidnapping, slavery, and racism. Columbus justified the enslavement and murder of the Native people by dehumanizing them, making them less than human. The Portuguese seems to expect complete submission from the Cape Verdians upon sight. The argument in this analysis is to historically examine justifications used for violence in the New World.
The process of committing a violent act is psychological in and of itself, to be able to physically hurt someone you must believe they are less then you. What must you believe to commit murder, much less mass murder or genocide? In an impressive display of cognitive dissonance Columbus went from admiring the Native American using words and phrases such as “well built”, “of quick intelligence”. When justifying going to war he calls them “cruel”, “warlike and numerous”, and “stupid”. Columbus justified the enslavement and murder of the Native people by dehumanizing them, making them less than human. Even when Columbus is complimenting the Caribbean Natives he is already thinking
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Wood only cares about Native American women as far they are useful to men. At one point Wood implies that Native American woman feel inferior to British woman because of this, “comparison hath made them miserable, for seeing the kind usage of the English to their wives.” The idea that Native American woman were suffering in the presence of Native American men must have given great justification for kidnapping woman and children under the guise of civilizing
Inventing the Savage: The Social Construct of Native American Criminality. Luana Ross. Austin: University of Texas Press. 1998.
Throughout ancient history, many indigenous tribes and cultures have shown a common trait of being hunter/gatherer societies, relying solely on what nature had to offer. The geographical location influenced all aspects of tribal life including, spirituality, healing philosophy and healing practices. Despite vast differences in the geographical location, reports show various similarities relating to the spirituality, healing philosophy and healing practices of indigenous tribal cultures.
Have you ever been forced to do something you don’t want to do? Well maybe you have,but have you ever had your hand cut off because you didn’t do the thing that people made you want to do? I’m asking these questions because Christopher Columbus did these things to the Natives of America.That’s why I think we shouldn’t celebrate Columbus Day at all.He enslaved Natives to mine gold and if they didn’t he’d cut there wrists.Columbus also spread disease(such as smallpox) throughout America killing even more Natives. Finally though Columbus had butcher's cut the Native people up,to just feed their own dogs.On that same gruesome note Columbus ordered his men to cut the Natives in half to test the sharpness of their blades.
The removal of Indian tribes was one of the tragic times in America’s history. Native Americans endured hard times when immigrants came to the New World. Their land was stolen, people were treated poorly, tricked, harassed, bullied, and much more. The mistreatment was caused mostly by the white settlers, who wanted the Indians land. The Indians removal was pushed to benefit the settlers, which in turn, caused the Indians to be treated as less than a person and pushed off of their lands. MOREEE
together for the better of the shared children. The women had a say in how they would help
Black lives in America have been devalued from the moment the first shipment of black slaves arrived in Jamestown in 1619. They were seen as nothing more than an lucrative animal to help aid in the production of various crops, such as tobacco, rice, and cotton. The Europeans were careful in the breaking of the black slaves, as they did not want a repeat of the Native American enslavement. European settlers found it difficult to enslave natives as they had a better understanding of the land and would often escape from the plantation. The African slaves however were stripped of everything they had ever known and were hauled to a new distant world.
Native Americans lived on the land that is now called America, but when white settlers started to take over the land, many lives of Native Americans were lost. Today, many people believe that the things that have been done and are being done right now, is an honor or an insult to the Natives. The choices that were made and being made were an insult to the Native Americans that live and used to live on this land, by being insulted by land policies, boardings schools and modern issues, all in which contain mistreatment of the Natives. The power that the settlers and the people who governed them had, overcame the power of the Natives so the settlers took advantage and changed the Natives way of life to the
Historical trauma has brought psychological effects on the Native American community. Many suffer from alcohol and drug abuse, depression, and poverty. I wondered why they do not get help from the government and after watching the documentary California’s “Lost” Tribes I began to understand that in any reservation the tribe is the government, so they do not have the same rights as a city outside the reservation. Many of the the reservations were placed in areas where they could not do any form of agriculture, so they did not have a source of income. Many of this reservations have to find ways to get themselves out of poverty and many of the reservations within California have found a way to get out of their poverty by creating casinos
As stated in Addressing the Oliphant in the Room: Domestic Violence and the safety of American Indian and Alaska Native Children in Indian Country “The National Congress of American Indians declared violence against Native Americans, particularly those living on tribal lands, as the most critical issue faced by Native Americans.” What are the causes of domestic violence on reservations? This is an important issue because domestic violence is a huge issue on reservations and being aware of the causes can play an important role in helping to lower domestic violence rates and give less of a stigma on the stereotypes against Native Americans. Domestic violence includes, physical abuse, sexual abuse as well as psychological abuse, including a combination of all of these. The domestic violence is not limited to only certain tribes, but is common among many tribes all across the United States. Native Americans are known for being alcoholics and living in poverty, but there are many other factors that play into the violence that
Two-hundred years ago, there was a scientific study on the brains of Native Americans called the craniology and phrenology. The Europeans examined only indigenous people’s heads and were forbidden to use any European’s brains. The Europeans did three experiments, such as decapitating the tops of the heads and filling them with sand to see if their brains were smaller than blacks. The Europeans also looked at the bones and said that if the bones were in a certain way (such as natives cheek bones being up higher) the person was thought to be stupid. The last experiment the Europeans did to American Indians was that they had a small devise that they would put on the head and it would slice the brain open. There would be an award for retrieving a male’s brain that was five cents. By retrieving a woman’s brain the price would be three cents, and lastly a child’s brain which would be two cents. This is when the term redskin was invented (Poupart, 2014).
Policing any community will have many challenges, but policing alongside a Native American tribe can add additional challenges other areas may not experience. In the past Native Americans have had problems with the U.S. government seriously and repeatedly disregarded Indian rights that were guaranteed in the form of binding treaties. To Native American’s police officers have been a symbol of rigid and authoritarian governmental control. They view the justice system as not to be trusted because of the breaches of treaties and contracts. With such tarnished views of the justice system and those who work for it, policing alongside a Native American tribe can face additional problems and challenges.
When a person thinks of a “gang,” Native Americans are often not the first group of people that come to mind. Throughout the past 20 years however, Native American gangs have begun to draw attention to themselves. Though they often contrast their urban counterparts, Native gangs are a difficult force to be addressed by tribal leaders and authorities, as well as parents, and educators. Understanding such gangs is a difficult concept, using Native history and culture; this essay will provide insight into the emergence of Native gangs, as well as some prevention strategies taken on by the tribal communities.
The prevailing opinion is that European explorers came to the America’s to peacefully colonize and gradually begin mutually beneficial relationships with the native people. However, Howard Zinn proves that the majority of explorers could not coexist with the native tribes, as the conquerors slowly stole their land, and did not return the initial hospitality most of the natives had showed to them. Therefore, the European colonizers blatantly ignored the rights of the Native Americans and acted with violence towards them. In order to conquer the natives, the colonizers “set fire to the wigwams of the village” and “ [destroyed] their crops” (Zinn).
While the economic and political damage of the scramble for Africa crippled the continent’s social structure, the mental warfare and system of hierarchy instituted by the Europeans, made the continent more susceptible to division and conquest. The scramble for partition commenced a psychological warfare, as many Africans were now thrust between the cultural barriers of two identities. As a result, institutions for racial inferiority became rooted in the cultural identity of the continent. This paper will expound on the impact of colonialism on the mental psyche of Africans and the employment of the mind as a means to seize control. I will outline how the mental hierarchy inculcated by the Europeans paved the way for their “divide and conquer” tactic, a tool essential for European success. Through evidence from a primary source by Edgar Canisius and the novel, King Leopold’s Ghost, I will show how colonial influences heightened the victimization of Africans through psychological means. I will culminate by showing how Robert Collins fails to provide a holistic account of colonialism, due to his inability to factor in the use of psychological warfare as a means to the end. By dissecting the minds of both the colonizer and the colonized, I hope to illustrate the susceptibility of African minds to European influences and how psychological warfare transformed Africans from survivors to victims during colonialism.
These people face violence as outsiders begin to overtake their homelands. They typically end up loosing their land to logging, mining and other large scale industries. Depending on the location of the tribe they could be shot at especially in parts of Brazil and Peru. However, diseases that aren't deadly to more advanced civilizations could kill more indigenous people than any bullet ever could. Normally at least half the tribe will survive the first stage of contact with outsiders. The next aggression against the tribes is to take as much of their land as possible. Thus resulting in poverty which correlates with malnutrition, and other illnesses such as tuberculosis. The third and final stage is where the most suffering takes place,and the citizens have become extremely poor by this stage.