The Red Path And The Sioux Lakota Virtue

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Throughout ancient history, many indigenous tribes and cultures have shown a common trait of being hunter/gatherer societies, relying solely on what nature had to offer. The geographical location influenced all aspects of tribal life including, spirituality, healing philosophy and healing practices. Despite vast differences in the geographical location, reports show various similarities relating to the spirituality, healing philosophy and healing practices of indigenous tribal cultures. …show more content…

The aim of healing was to reconnect social and emotional harmony to the unwell, identifying the importance of interconnectedness amongst all people, animals, and plants Living in harmony with their environment, family and community is a central concept of health and healing for Indigenous Australians. Ill health is recognized as a manifestation of many factors including, spiritual and emotional alienation from the land, family, and community. The Dreamtime expressed by song, rituals, and art communicate the purpose of life, the spiritual connection of all humans, places, animals and plants and the necessity of balance Wholeness of body, mind, spirit and the living in harmony with nature were key concepts behind the Native Northern American healing philosophy. These concepts form The Red Path and the Sioux Lakota Virtues known as the spiritual path to harmony and wholeness. Ill health may be reflective of multiple factors including a loss of spiritual connection with the community and …show more content…

The use of medicinal herbs and food, dancing, music, and chanting in ceremonies and rituals, and physical manipulation are present in all three indigenous communities. Ceremonies and rituals facilitated by the traditional healers often involved everyone in the community. Indigenous African communities used herbs to prevent and treat health conditions such as viral hepatitis, malaria, and diarrhoea. Hepasor was used to treat viral hepatitis, cinchona was taken to prevent malaria and assegaai were used as an antidiarrheal, blood purifier and natural aphrodisiac. Plants were believed to have magic powers and were used symbolically in healing practices. Seeds, twigs, and leaves coloured black, white and red were believed to possess healing properties. Traditional healers act as an intermediate between the physical and spiritual world to enable healing and restore balance. Drumming, dancing, and chanting are used to arouse spirits in healing

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