Essay On Managerial Skills

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The most important factor of a successive organization is efficient management. The management would be efficient only if the managers have developed potentials and set of skills to perform the management functions and roles because mangers are the person who makes sure that all the activities of the organization are being done properly and organization is going on a right path. The managerial skills required to run the organizational activities are not necessarily inborn but those could be learned as well.
Management skills play key role in making any organization successful. So Robert Katz makes focus on it and try to elaborate these skills. According to Daniel Robert Katz “A manager should have three managerial skills but the skills required by managers varies from level of management and organization to organization”.
Types of Management Skills
Conceptual Skills
These are the skills required mostly by top level management. Because they have to see organization as whole. These skills include analytical, creative and initiative skills. It helps managers to identify the cause of problem. It helps managers to find the best possible solution for their organization. It helps managers to fix goals and also help in making those strategies which will help them in attaining goals. According to Daniel Katz “conceptual skills are mostly required by top level management because they spend more time in making plans and finding the solutions of problems”.
It is further defined by Anonymous “Conceptual skills are the mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations”.
Human-Relation Skills
These are the skills required by managers at all level of management because all managers have to interact and work with people. Thes...

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... hard for organization.

Management skills and OB
According to Daniel Katz “Management skills are very important in organizational behavior. A manager has to communicate with their employees about sharing some ideas and information. A manager should motivate employees for free flow of communication in the organization. Manager should know that how to get work done from employee. Manager should also have ability to control the whole organization. Manager should have ability to make such decisions which will be beneficial for organization”.
As this world has emerged as a global village so competitiveness has been increased. In order to compete in this global world companies need those managers who have these skills which may lead them towards better opportunities, which may help them in reducing weakness of organization and strengthening of organization.

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