Essay On Job Dissatisfaction

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In every work place you will find employees who are happy with what they do and employees who are just there to complain and collect a paycheck. My topic for this discussion will cover job dissatisfaction.
A business issue that has come across in the work place is the topic of job dissatisfaction. According to the Robbins and Judge textbook, job satisfaction can be described as a positive following feeling about your current place of employment. In the bible job satisfaction is shown in Ecclesiastes 5:18-20 Behold, what I have seen to be good and fitting is to eat and drink and find enjoyment in all the toil with which one toils under the sun the few days of his life that God has given him, for this is his lot. Everyone also to whom God …show more content…

It all means a wish to quit and move on to something better and many employees are there right now. I am currently employed at a very popular hospital and I am currently seeing job dissatisfaction first hand. In the department that I work at many employees are showing their true views on how they are unsatisfied with the job. Many people feel that the job is becoming very stressful with the demands from upper management. Many employees are working long hours and are not receiving any recognition for it. In the past few months I have seen many employees quit and move on to other positions. Many of the ones remaining are not even putting 100 percent into their work because they feel like they should not if they will not be recognized for …show more content…

yes but the level appears that the level of satisfaction from employees with their place of employment seem to be dropping because of pay and promotion. Pay and Promotion are some of the major factors when an employee becomes unsatisfied with their position at their place of employment. Many employers are expecting more work from employees and are not being valued with more money or a more value based title. This is where Organizational commitment falls in an employee may feel the need to be committed to an organization based on the employee’s attachment to the place of employment. Many places of employment are now trying to see how they can better their place of employment for employees in order for them to be more committed to the organization. At my job we now have employment satisfaction surveys that come out every six months for employees. In these surveys the employee must answer a series of questions pertaining to how they feel about the job and its environment. This is an excellent way for the employees to voice their concerns as well as have the company listen to their concerns. This was also seen in the textbook and explained, Effective commitment is an emotional attachment to the organization and a belief in its values; while she disliked the job for whatever reasons, she did like her coworkers and had formed genuine friendships, so it was harder for her to exit because she had an emotional attachment to the

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