Essay On How To Live A Happy And Healthy Life

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Hunter Morphis Focus Deal March 31, 2014 How to Live a Long, Happy, and Healthy Life ! Life is short; that’s a realistic fact that most people cannot grasp these days. There are many obstacles that life will throw at you to try and get you off the happy and healthy path, but you must press onward. Common sense, sane decision making, and logical thinking help even the most unsure of people every day. There are many ways to live a life filled with happiness and health, but three options stand above the rest. To live a long, happy, and healthy life, a person must focus on staying physically active, regulating their fat, carbohydrate, and protein intake, and most importantly, making wise choices in regards to life safety. ! First off, staying physically active is the most universal and critically acclaimed way of improving your lifestyle and becoming healthier. The media targets multiple demographics on television all the time with ads telling the viewer to “just get out and play for 60 minutes a day!” Any amount of exercise is certainly better than sustaining from any kind of physical activity. This is where most out of shape people have to start. Whether it is walking to your mailbox once a day to retrieve the mail or walking your dog for ten minutes, it is a start, and a start is good. ! Staying physically active involves all kinds of activities, but the most popular and profitable ones on the market today are high intensity workout DVDs. High intensity orkout DVDs are usually led by a host (which is usually the person who created the DVD and workout) along with a man or woman doing the workouts along with him or her, to show the viewer watching at home. The viewer then follows along with these workouts in an aim ... ... middle of paper ... ...ur life. All in all, following proper health protocols can prolong your life immensely. Use your brain. ! In conclusion, to live a long, happy, and healthy life, a person must focus on staying physically active, regulating their fat, carbohydrate, and protein intake, and most importantly, making wise choices in regards to life safety. Following these life tips and precautions can let you live your life to the fullest and focus on maintaining a long, happy, and healthy lifestyle. orks Cited "Focus T25 Workout Reviews - Everything You Need To Know!" Focus T25 Workout ! Reviews. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2014. "Leading a Healthy Life: Six Steps to LIving Long and Staying Healthy." Leading a ! Healthy Life: Six Steps to LIving Long and Staying Healthy. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 ! Mar. 2014. Wilson, Kristy L. "Healthy Eating." Healthy Eating. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Mar. 2014.

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