Essay On Homeostasis

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Biology Glucose homeostasis. Our body need a type of mechanism that is needed to maintain its internal environment. This is usually controlled by the process of homeostasis. Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant internal environment (that means keeping the condition inside your body the same). Homeostatic mechanism use feedback loop. The detection - correction or feedback systems that the body uses to maintain homeostasis are constantly detecting internal or external conditions. These homeostatic mechanisms then evaluate the conditions to determine whether or not they represent any deviations from the normal. If conditions are outside of the optimal functioning range, the mechanisms take corrective action to bring the body back into balance. A good example of a negative feedback mechanism is a home thermostat (heating system). The thermostat contains the receptor (thermometer) and control center. If the heating system is set at 70 degrees Fahrenheit, the heat (effector) is turned on if the temperature drops below 70 degrees Fahrenheit. After the heater heats the house to 70 degrees Fahrenheit, it shuts off effectively maintaining the ideal temperature. ( ) Homeostasis usually follow two types of mechanisms the positive and negative feedback. In this assessment I will be discussing the process and purpose of homeostasis in our body and how this system acts to control our blood glucose level. The primary mechanism of homeostasis is negative feedback ( the response of a system that acts to maintain equilibrium by compensating for any changes made to the system) , in which stimulus resulting from a change in the external or internal e... ... middle of paper ... ...n. Mixers, such fruit juices and sodas, may be the real culprits behind spikes and dips in your blood sugar when drinking. To counteract this effect, stick to non-sugary drinks and eat plenty of foods with proteins, fats, and complex carbohydrates to keep things balanced — before, during, and after the party. Most alcoholic drinks are not composed solely of pure alcohol. Beer, wine, mixed drinks, spritzers, cocktails, and frozen drinks all contain additional ingredients and additives that often add lots of sugar and calories to your drink. To keep sugar levels balanced, use diet sodas, plain club soda, or water as mixers, and for some kick, add a spritz of lemon or lime to taste. If you enjoy the flavor of liquor on its own, try ordering your drink neat or on the rocks. If liquor is not your drink of choice, opt for light beers and steer clear of sweet dessert wines.

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