The Significance of Homeostasis to the Human Body

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The Significance of Homeostasis to the Human Body

What is homeostasis?

According to the 'Oxford Colour Medical Dictionary, Third Edition'

homeostasis is the "the physiological process by which the internal

systems of the body (e.g. blood pressure, body temperature, acid-base

balance) are maintained at equilibrium, despite variations in the

external conditions"

Homeostasis is the maintenance of a stable internal environment within

tolerance limits, this is the restricted range of conditions where

cellular operations effectively work at a consistent rate and maintain


These conditions include temperature, blood glucose levels, pupil

diameter control and many more.

Homeostasis actually means 'unchanging', but that is not a true

description of biological systems. DYNAMIC EQUILIBRIUM is a more

accurate description. (1)

"An amoeba, a single celled organism, needs to be able to take in

oxygen, food and nutrients and to excrete waste products. It needs a

constant state of hydration and a controlled temperature for a happy

life. Man is complex and multicellular but each cell has the same

needs as the amoeba and we have developed complex mechanisms to

provide each cell with all that it needs" (2)


The human animal is a very complex multi-cellular organism in which

the maintenance of life depends upon various physiological and

biochemical activities.

The body is made up of many cells (e.g. brain cells). Many specialised

cells group up to form a tissue (e.g. blood). Tissues group up to form

organs (e.g. the heart), these organs can then conn...

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Significance of homeostasis


Homeostasis is so important that most disease is regarded as a result

of its disturbance, a condition called homeostatic imbalance.

As we get older, the body's internal environment becomes progressively

less stable. As a result we are more vulnerable to illnesses and they

produce the changes we associate with ageing.

Homeostatic imbalance takes place when the usual negative feedback

mechanisms are overwhelmed and the destructive positive feedback

mechanisms take over. An example of this phenomenon is heart failure.

Illnesses such as hypertension, diabetes are all a result of failed

homeostatic mechanisms, this demonstrates the importance of

homeostasis to an individual. (10)

Put simply, it is the difference between health and illness.

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