Essay On High Renaissance

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The High Renaissance refers to a short period of 30 years in which several artists produced exceptional works of art. The best known arts of the High Renaissance period include Leondardo de Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael. Known for a renewed importance on classical tradition and the visual arts, High Renaissance expanded networks of financial support and gained popularity among the wealthy. (“High Renaissance”) Scholars have stated that paintings hanging in the Vatican done by Michelangelo and Raphel are a representation of the High Renaissance style due to their ambitious scale and complexity of their composition. They depict closely observed human figures and classical antiquity. The High Renaissance also represented new attitudes towards beauty, fashions in literary culture and obsessions with interpretation and meaning. Leonardo da Vinci, the best known Renaissance Man, because he was interested in and very informed about a lot of different subjects. (Landua, Sara) Da Vinci was a genius painter, sculptor and architect. In addition, he also dabbled in engineering, military science, anatomy, botany, geology, geography, hydraulics, and aerodynamics. Designs for …show more content…

Michelangelo was so outstanding in his craft that he was called Divine. However, his father believed his son would not amount to anything more than a stone-cutter. This remark was constantly on Michelangelo’s mind and as a result he often signed his work “Michelangelo the stone cutter.” His most famous work is the painting of the Sistine Chapel in St. Peter’s Church in Rome. The Ceiling depicts nine scenes from the book of Genesis and took 4 years to paint under the most difficult of conditions. He was fascinated with the problems of representing the human body and dedicated himself completely to mastering it which lends itself to his most famous sculptor of the statue of David. (“High Renaissance”) Other works include The Last Judgment and

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