Essay On Electron Microscopy

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Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) technique was employed extensively through want this study to examine and obtain images of prepared samples. The associated analytical facility of Energy dispersive X-Ray (EDX) analysis was used to identify and quantify the elemental composition of the prepare samples.
These different techniques are essentially part of one instrument. The EDX facility (an X-Ray detector and associated software) is incorporated intimately as part of the SEM itself. The EDX facility cannot function without the operation of the SEM, since the generation of the analytical X-Ray signal is dependent on the interaction between the incident electron seam and the sample in the SEM. EDAX() and DES (Energy Dispersive Spectrometer) are often used interchangeably in place of EDX by different instrument manufactures but are essentially the same technique.
There are mainly three types of Electron microscope
1. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
2. Transmission Electron Microscope (Tem)
3. Dual function capability: Scanning – Transmission Electron Microcopy (STEM).
An electron gun is present in a Scanning Electron Microscope to generate a beam of electrons in a high vacuum column. With the help of an accelerating voltage of between 1.0 to 30 kV, the emitted electrons are converted into a coherent beam by using a system of electromagnetic coils or lenses. Then the beam passed down through the main electron gun column into the specimen chamber. Here it is focused onto a fine spot. Then the surface of the sample is scanned rapidly.
As the result of ionization processes secondary electrons are emitted from the sample. From the primary beam (generated by the electron gun) some electrons are get reflected or bounced back by the sampl...

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...hich describes the angle at which a beam of X-rays of a particular wavelength diffracts from a crystalline surface. Bragg’s Law is as follows:
ƛ=2d sinθ
θ = Bragg angle;
ƛ = is the incident wavelength; d= is the spacing between different planes.
We can measure the Bragg angle (2θ). This is the position of the Bragg reflection, or peak. Then, since we know the wavelength (ƛ), of the X-rays, we can then calculate the d-spacing (the distance between different planes in the crystal) from Bragg’s Law (Equation 3-36)
A typical X-ray diffraction pattern is in the form of a graph, with a series of peaks (the actual diffraction pattern), with the horizontal axis being 2θ, or twice the Bragg angle; and the vertical axis is the intensity, or the X-ray count measured by the detector, which is a function of the crystal structure and the orientation of the crystallites.

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