Essay On Discrimination In The Workplace

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Discrimination in workplaces is a prevalent issue that is much discussed about all around the world. Gender biasness has become a norm in our everyday life almost in every part of the world. Even the developing countries are not spared from its occurrences but the numbers of cases are lesser as compared to those in the developing and least developed countries. There are different forms in which discrimination may be evident at workplaces. Workplace discrimination is defined as giving an unfair advantage or disadvantage to the members of the particular group in comparison to the members of other groups. This can be exemplified by the wide earning gap that is observed as a universal trend between the average monthly earnings of a men and women. A woman's average page would be consistently lower than a man's. Individuals with equal productivity receive different amount of wages and its is seen to be systematically correlated with certain non-economic characteristics like gender, which would be further discussed in the essay. Despite notable changes in work, meaningful differences in ...

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