Racism And Discrimination Essay

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In the world today, racism and discrimination is one of the major issues being faced with. Racism has existed throughout the world for centuries and has been the primary reasons for wars, conflicts, and other human calamities all over the planet. It has been a part of America since the European colonization of North America beginning in the 17th century. Many people are not aware of how much racism still exist in our schools, workforces, and anywhere else that social lives are occurring. It started from slavery in America to caste partiality in India, down to the Holocaust in Europe during World War II. In North America during slavery, blacks and whites were segregated into different schools, hospitals, churches and communities. It was unlikely that two people from different race group could get married. Couples that fall in love with someone of a different race would face oppositions from friends and family. Even though slavery and apartheid ended a long time ago, racism and discrimination is still a problem today. Some people continue to believe that some humans are worth more than others. Problem: To end racial discrimination, we must first be aware the causes of this problem. We must further understand why people of a different race feel the need to racially …show more content…

Consequences for acts of racism in the workplace should be included. Employees from all races and ethnic groups should be hired to create a diverse workforce. Job candidates must be informed of the policy against racism and discrimination in any workplace before they are hired. Employees should be promoted based on merit without considering race or other irrelevant factors. This creates a system of fair promotions that way all employees feel valued. The employees would get to know about each other and even grow from just work partners to family friends and it goes

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