Reflection On Discrimination In The Workplace

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It’s amazing the progress that has been made in the last 50 years. It’s crazy to think that so many years ago today people were judged on their race or age so frequently and with disrespect. I also think that discrimination is alive it is not even as close to as bad as it used to be. I do feel that some employers do still discriminate on some things I just think they are more careful about how they go about it. I know that the EEOC probably receives a ton of cases to look over because you can’t eliminate something like this for good. I think that rules just need to be in place to ensure that diversity is throughout the workplace. I feel like human resource departments and anybody that deals with the hiring and firing of employees need to well …show more content…

Just recently there was a story about an African American teacher in a predominantly white area that felt that she had been discriminated against. She filed a suit and said that she had been discriminated against not only by the district but also by the students in her class. The district claimed that she had not been discriminated against and last I heard the case was still pending and the teacher was not working at the district anymore. I also read a very interesting story about a teacher who was the victim of religious discrimination. A Jewish teacher was “alleging she was the target of several hate crimes involving swastikas that went unacknowledged by the principal and created a hostile work environment that forced her into early retirement” (Abramson, 2013). The story goes on and on with a lot of details about the certain experiences that she was the victim of and how her complaints affected other parts of her job and it affected her search for a new job also.
After doing research on equal employment opportunity it came to my understanding that this has been an issue since the 1600s. It has changed numerous times throughout the years and decades. I’m only going to talk about the past 50 years but there is still a lot of information that can be shared. Some of the reading said, “In the 1960s, Americans who …show more content…

The passage said, “Affirmative action is one of the most controversial government interventions in the labor market since the abolition of slavery,” (Leonard, 1990). Affirmative action is a very serious problem in the equal employment opportunity act. Affirmative action means that you favor members of a disadvantaged group who currently suffer or historically have suffered from discrimination within a culture. Often, these people are disadvantaged for historical reasons, such as oppression or slavery. I have seen this happen in Arizona personally in high school. I had two friends apply for the same job at the exact same time to work at Taco Bell. One of my friend’s was African-American and the other was Hispanic. In Arizona with us being so close to Mexico we have illegal immigrants who come over to the US to work under the table under minimum wage. My African-American friend wasn’t hired or interviewed but my Hispanic friend was interviewed and hired and was paid the same exact pay for about two years before they considered giving him a

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