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The impact of motivation on job performance
The impact of motivation on job performance
The impact of motivation on job performance
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This essay looks at different theories and solutions that will help in improving a day to day routine of an organization. The given theories are equity theory, communication models /theory and conflict handling theory. A business example will also be given. How would motivating employee’s prompt motivation for the management staff, resulting in a more prosperous business entity? Apply equity theory The importance of positive work environments and its benefit is that great workplaces can help motivate employees. Employees that are happy tend to be more productive, which is resulting in a more prosperous business entity. Motivated employees can make all the difference in a successful company. There are a number of incentives that would help …show more content…
Also our communication skills can be improved through knowledge,practice , feedback, and reflection. How can conflict be reduced in a workplace using effective conflict management …show more content…
It can arise within the workplace between co-workers, mangers, bosses and so on. One of the main reason conflict occur is competition between resources such as supplies, money or incompetent management. It is also happening when there’s goal differences between employees in the organization. Also conflict will most likely happen when there’s misunderstanding in communication. In a workplace environment, conflict can be encountered by customer service employees and a other team members on an everyday basis, depending on the business. A most common conflict experiences by most are a dissatisfied customer who is not really happy with the service or other members in the workplace are not doing there work well. For example, the team member never pays attention to the finer details, resulting in the team being held responsible for errors.It often means tasks have to be checked and redone by other team members. This then will cause conflict among the employees within the workplace. It is important for every employees to work to maintain the same standards.Consistency and equality fosters mutual respect in the workplace and the workers.Managing conflict is a key management competency within organizations and should be addressed immediately. Leaders in turn need to manage individual performance before it becomes an issue for the
A great work environment is essential to employee morale. When there is low morale there is a lapse in productivity. The main objective of business is higher productivity which equates to higher profits.
Understanding how situations can become conflicts are important matters to investigate in hopes of preventing it from happening again. Every employee (in their minds) have different perspectives as to why conflicts happen. Such things include a lack of communication, feeling as if others are not doing their jobs, crazy rules, special treatment of friends as well as expectations that they feel are not reasonable. Conflicts that management may be involved in could be poor communication, lack of appropriate response to any given situation, not taking responsibility for their own errors, letting work & personal life interfere with the other, as well as not having good prioritizing
Are you a hard worker? If you like most people you go to work to make an income to support your life, which is already pretty hard and tiring. During those hard working hours you will have to deal with workplace conflicts from co-workers or your boss. Harmony in the workplace is very important in increasing productivity and the overall happiness of workers. Workplace conflict will cause a tremendous negative effect in communication, which will lead to lower productivity and serious health consequences. In this paper we I will be talking about workplace problems and how they affect personal conflict and interpersonal communication.
Engagement in peaceful and violent interactions, as well as the conflicts consequent from the, has changed greatly in the modern world. With the vast advancement in technology, our ability to communicate over long distances with various media devices has improved the ability to conduct peaceful conversations. This in itself decreases the chances of violence as all party members involved in a conflict of some sort are able to access and correspond with one another, if they so choose, without jumping the gun and heading straight into a violent solution. However, weapon technology develops simultaneously with modern technology, resulting in extreme weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear weapons and the fact that these weapons are so easily accessible enables violent interactions. Both the “Conflict Resolution” and “Nonviolence” paradigms have not been able to keep up with the development of modern technology and are therefore not applicable in some instances. While the “Conflict Resolution” paradigm maintains its applicability for most situations, the “Nonviolence” paradigm becomes obsolete in regards to the nuclear weapons that play such a large role in modern day conflicts. Nevertheless, both paradigms are useful tools in international peacemaking – methods such as negotiation from the “Conflict Resolution” paradigm are independent from the type of conflict involved. Similarly, the “Nonviolence” paradigm has methods e.g. the creation of peace movements, which are applicable to all conflicts regardless of their nature. This shows that while they might be limited in some aspects, the “Conflict Resolution” and “Nonviolence” paradigms are still useful in conflicts nowadays and contribute tools to international peacemaking even tho...
A group can only be called a team if the members are actively working together toward a common goal. A team must have the capability to set goals, make decisions, solve problems, and share responsibilities. For a team to be successful, trust must be earned between its members by being consistent and reliable (Temme & Katzel, 2005). When more than one person is working on a particular task, inconsistent views or opinions commonly arise. People come from different backgrounds and live through different life experiences therefore, even when working towards a common goal, they will not always see eye to eye. Major conflict that is not dealt with can devastate a team or organization (Make Conflict Work, 2008). In some situations, conflict can be more constructive than destructive. Recognizing the difference between conflict that is constructive to the team and conflict that is destructive to the team is important. Trying to prevent the conflict is not always the best way to manage conflict when working within a team setting. Understanding conflict, what causes it, and how to resolve conflict effectively, should consume full concentration.
Conflict theory are perspective in sociology psychology that accentuate the social, political, or material inequality of a social group, that analysis the broad socio-political system, or that weaken from structural functionalism and ideological conservatism. With conflict theory, you will see tensions, status, and power are unevenly distributed between groups in society, which these conflicts become the purpose of social change. Conflict theory usually arise due to competition and limited resource that is feed by domination and power, rather than consensus and conformity. This is seen a lot on macro level. As a social worker, you will see and use conflict theory throughout your professional.
Conflict can occur anywhere from the around the water cooler or in the meeting on how the team will reach their goal. Many things a day can lead to a small or large conflict. It is important to remember that conflict is a natural part of life and everyone will experience conflict at some time when participating on a team.
workplace include greater total resources, greater knowledge band and a greater source of ideas. However, these advantages can also bring on conflict within teams and the entire workplace. Varney (1989) reported that conflict remained the number one problem within a large company. This was after several attempts were made to train management in conflict resolutions and procedures. However, the conflict remained. The conflict possibly remains because the managers and leaders did not pay attention to the seriousness of the issue. In order to maintain an effective team, leaders and team members must know and be proactive in the conflict resolution techniques and procedures.
The job of a manager in the workplace is to get things done through employees. To do this the manager should be able to motivate employees. But that’s easier said than done! Motivation practice and theory are difficult subject, touching on several disciplines.
Conflicts can occur in different forms and to varying degrees. In organizations, conflicts are mainly because of differences in expectations, values, goals, and personalities. A group pursuing their interests at the expense of others results to a conflict. According to Rahim (2010), there are three ways in which a conflict can occur in an organization; it can be between management and management, management and employees, or employees and employees. Conflicts need to be diagnosed and managed before they can have severe effects to the organization. It is the role of the management to address the conflicts with research showing that an average manager spends 24 percent of their work time
We each possess unique ideas, opinions, beliefs, and feelings about specific situations in life. This uniqueness is a large part of what makes us human. Because we all have our own individual way of looking at things, we each have a different viewpoint on what is proper or improper. With all that variation in society conflict is inevitable! Conflict is antagonistic in nature and we all must find ways to work through conflict issues both at work and at home. This paper describes different types of conflict, the influences I personally had in learning to deal with those conflicts, some of the conflicts that I commonly experience, how I go about dealing with those conflicts, and how conflict affects me on a personal level.
The perception of transformation is the change from one state to another. Conflict transformation in more specific terms is the transition through various stages. Primarily, conflict transformation takes place through the underlying stage to confrontation to negotiation to vibrant, peaceful relationships. The purpose of this essay is to choose a historical or contemporary situation in which conflict transformation has taken place in the past and/or continues to occur. In my assignment I will research the origins, causes and current status of the conflict. I will identify what has been done and/or is being done to address the conflict in a transformative manner today. I will assess this particular situation with reference to two of the structure or process models covered in this course. I will develop a plan for further action, based on structural and process models discussed in this course. Finally I will integrate Lederach’s time frame and see if I can bond it with this particular case.
that may result in a struggle for power or position. Conflict management, therefore, can be
In order of being able to analyze the sources of conflicts regarding the clothing manufacturer, I will present the Conflict Process Model according to McShane and Von Glinow. Therefore, I will first define what conflicts are, and second present the different sources of conflicts and carve out which conflicts are involved regarding to the given case. The third step is to explain two different strategies to minimize these conflicts in future. Finally, I will provide a recommendation and conclusion.
Work environment is an important element to increase the satisfaction level of employees towards their jobs. Jain and Kaur (2014) stated that “all the aspects of work environment are correspondingly significant or indeed appropriate when considered job satisfaction and also affects the welfare of employees” (p. 2). Thus, it is obvious that a favorable work environment is not merely affects the employees’ performance in an organization, but also compensation and benefits to employees and job satisfaction of employees in the organization. In general, there are three types of work environment: work-life balance, rewards and recognition and open communication that lead to job satisfaction of employees (refer to Figure 1 in Appendix 1).