Analysis Of Bruce Tuckman's Four Stages Of Group Development

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Culture is the practices and values shared by a group of people. Companies that have good cultures attract good people. The company culture should be one of inclusion and participation. The culture should be one that welcomes diversity and one that values the opinions of their employees.

Bruce Tuckman’s Four Stages of Group Development Bruce Tuckman discovered that there are four stages of group development. The stages are; forming, storming, norming and performing. In the first stage of forming, the roles of the members are unclear. Everyone is getting to know each other, every person is a stranger and they all treat each other as such. At this stage the ground rules and objectives are not yet established. The …show more content…

The three different leadership styles are; autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire. Those that lead by the autocratic style of leadership, make their own decisions without checking with anyone. As told by Joseph (2013) autocratic leaderships styles allows the boss to have tighter control over the day to day operations of the business therefore, employees who work under them are not able to be “slackers”. Those practicing the democratic leadership style, allow others to share in the decision making process, however the leader can still override the decisions, granting him or her the final say. The democratic leadership style is designed to create buy-in from everyone. Use of the democratic leadership style allows everyone to feel that are part of the decision making process therefore, boosting the morale of the employees. The laissez-faire style of leadership allow the employees to make all of the decisions, the leader has very little involvement in the decision …show more content…

Diversity in business creates an optimal environment. A diverse environment allows different perspectives and ideas which are both good for business. It is important that all employees feel that they are valued by the company. Companies add value to their employees by recognizing and acknowledging the importance of their different celebrated cultural and religious holidays. Employees should be allowed to request off on some of those holidays, if requested in advance. A diverse company culture also include employees who speak different languages. Employees who speak various languages help businesses to broaden their base globally according to Kokemuller (2011). Businesses understand that in diverse environment, there will be different political affiliations and preferences. It is okay for everyone to have their own political ideas. The political ideas of the management team should never be forced upon the employees. In a diverse environment there will also be different levels of technological proficiency. There should be ongoing, continuous technological training for every employee. The training allows everyone the opportunity to attain the same level of proficiency.
Steps to Overcome Low Employee Morale A great work environment is essential to employee morale. When there is low morale there is a lapse in productivity. The main objective of business is higher productivity which equates to higher profits.

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