Parte 1
1. La autora Alfonsina Storni se presenta con su feminismo indirecto en su ensayo titulado “Autodemolición;” no escribe sus opiniones directamente, los describe sarcásticos, con ironía, y lo opuesto a la realidad. Storni era muy inteligente y sabia mostrar una visión feminista. Esto se ve muchísimo en carta de Sor Juana en la “Carta a Sor Filotea.”
En “Autodemolición” hay más ejemplos del uso de la ironía y del sarcasmo. Este ensayo es muy diferente de otras obras anteriores de Storni. “Autodemolición” es un autorretrato que imita la moda de mujeres y las imágenes que tenían con la descripción de sus rasgos y costumbres. Se describen con porcentajes, como setenta de azúcar, veinte de instinto, nueve de fantasía y sentimiento y uno de corazón. Ella escribe esto en el centro de su ensayo y no con palabras, sino en una tabla.
El texto se puedo relacionar con el poema “Hombre pequeñito” porque compara el papel de una mujer con un canario encarcelado en una jaula. Al principio el canario quiere volar y saltar de la jaula; la mujer es el canario. Luego en la línea donde dice “digo pequeñito porque no me entiendes”, el hombre no entiende a la mujer porque ella quiere volar y no quiere estar enjaulada. Al final la mujer nomas ama el hombre durante media hora y nada más. El poema no tiene una rima específica, pero usa la anáfora de “hombre pequeñito” al principio de los versos. El poema también es una metáfora de la relación entre una mujer y un hombre, pero el hombre no sabe cómo tratarla. Este poema es muy feminista porque el hombre se llama pequeñito y se ve como un tonto, que nunca entenderá a la mujer. La autora Storni básicamente se burla del hombre.
El ensayo es muy diferente e incluye metáforas y hipérboles. Cuando Storni...
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...nterior se ve de todo que sufre por el mismo como su familia.
En las descripciones del medio ambiente, hay dos tipos de descripciones. Descripciones sobre la realidad exterior donde se habla un poco de la acción que ha pasado. El otro tipo es que el personaje es el narrador de la historia, hablando de todo que le esta pasando. Con el vemos el bosque, todas las imágenes y el dolor que sufre.
El rasgo final es que como hay algo crónico en esta historia. Como del principio del accidente hasta el final cuando muere, hay mucha suspensión, pero dar cosas en listas que ayuda a los lectores. Esta disque lista es buena para ver fácilmente que esta pasando y entender la historia mas. Como entendemos los problemas interior y exterior con todas las imágenes, todo esta en una estructura que queda como un rompe cabeza. Todo esta organizado bien y fluye las historia con la drama.
Selon le gouvernement l’identité autochtone désigne les personnes qui ont déclaré être des Autochtones (Première Nations) qu’ils soient Métis, Inuits ou Amérindiens. En plus des personnes qui ont déclaré être Indiens inscrit out des traités aux termes de la Loi sur les Indiens du Canada et les personnes qui font partie d’une Première Nation ou d’une bande indienne. Par contre pour les Première Nations l’identité autochtone est plus que cela. C’est leur culture et leur historique qui les lient ensemble.
Soon after the Bishop of Pubela reads one of her letters, he publishes it (without her knowing), and she responds with a respectful yet sarcastic letter (Lawall and Chinua 155-156). Cruz’s “Reply to Sor Filotea de la Cruz” was written during the period of Enlightenment of Europe (1660- 1770). This era in Europe cast an opaque shadow over women’s rights to educate themselves and self-expression. Sor Juana’s piece however is both inspirational and empowering for every woman.... ...
The book became a great source of information for me, which explained the difficulties faced by women of the mentioned period. The author succeeded to convince me that today it is important to remember the ones who managed to change the course of history. Contemporary women should be thankful to the processes, which took place starting from the nineteenth century. Personally, I am the one believing that society should live in terms of equality. It is not fair and inhuman to create barriers to any of the social members.
Demetria Martínez’s Mother Tongue is divided into five sections and an epilogue. The first three parts of the text present Mary/ María’s, the narrator, recollection of the time when she was nineteen and met José Luis, a refuge from El Salvador, for the first time. The forth and fifth parts, chronologically, go back to her tragic experience when she was seven years old and then her trip to El Salvador with her son, the fruit of her romance with José Luis, twenty years after she met José Luis. And finally the epilogue consists a letter from José Luis to Mary/ María after her trip to El Salvador. The essay traces the development of Mother Tongue’s principal protagonists, María/ Mary. With a close reading of the text, I argue how the forth chapter, namely the domestic abuse scene, functions as a pivotal point in the Mother Tongue as it helps her to define herself.
Elena Poniatowska escrita durante una epoca de cambio en Mexico. Antes de sus obras las mujeres mexicanas eran sometidos, docil, y pasivo. En la tiempo de sus obras las mujeres estaba tratando salir de los estereotipos de antes. Esta problema social tomo un afecto en Elena. Aunque ella no viene de un movimiento literatura directamente, ella escrita con el concepto de compremetido. En su narrative El Recado ella crea un mujer estereotipical que no puede controlar sus emociones. La titula es eso porque ella viene a ver su amante, pero el no esta, asi ella escribe las cosas que sentia. La perspectiva es de un personaje y ella nunca interacta con otros personajes. En facto la unica descripcion de un personaje otro de la protagonista es de su amante Martin. Habla de otros personajes, pero solamente de sus acciones. Porque ellas es la unica perspectiva que tenemos es sencillo a sentar compasion para una protagonista de quien nombre no aun sabemos. Ella da la descripcion de toda que vea, y mas importante todo que se sienta. Tambien tropos y figuras retoricas dan un tono significante al poema. Estos sentimientos de la portagonista y el tono emocional de la narrativa transporta una tema de una mujer estereotipical y debil quien quiere ser reconocido.
... middle of paper ... ... Sandra Cisneros took a risk and got remarkably far with her passion for mixing the cultures and the identities of women. Her voice is what emphasizes the article to show how the goal is to redistribute the language and culture, not criticizing the “New World”.
It is believed by the author that the feminist movement in many ways parallels the struggles faced by African Americans in the US during the same time period. The authors will offer ideas on where the pro...
Feminist theory, which occurred from feminist doings, marks to twig the kind of masculinity disproportion by scrutinizing women's mutual roles and lived participation; it has industrialized patterns in a range of self-controls in mandate to answer to problems such as the mutual making of femininity and masculinity. Some of the past whereabouts of feminism have been scorned for fascinating into report only antediluvian, conventional, experienced evaluations. This operated to the contraption of genealogically limited or multiculturalist treatments of feminism.
Gina Valdes in her poem English con Salsa used many literary techniques. One of them was humor and throughout the poem it is used greatly. An example of it starts in the beginning where the po...
Thus the text analysis will give instances where the portrayal of women is a reflection of the modern society which will be researched from a feminist point of view. To sum up, feminism plays an important role to uphold women’s right, and their status in a society. Furthermore, it is use to bid for human equality based on gender context. We can conclude that women now have the chance to decide on their
Second wave feminism has proved to have an intense effect on the western societies. The essay second wave feminism focuses on a wide range of issues of women such as work place discrimination, women education, reproduction and many others. Second wave feminists can be grouped into integrationists and radical feminists. The essay explains about the differences between these two groups, the role of women in the society and the benchmarks women have set up regarding gender equality. Women have replaced the old scenario in which women were treated as objects of male desires and needs and led to independent and equal participation along with men (Beauvoir, 1952).
Feminist Theory is an aspect of considering feminism as having been based on socio-phenomenon issues rather than biological or scientific. It appreciates gender inequality, analyzes the societal roles played by feminists in a bid to promote the interests, issues and rights of women in the society. It is also based on the assumption that women play subsidiary roles in the society. The whole idea of feminism has however experienced hurdles in the form of stereotyping by the wider society. This paper tries to examine some of the effects of stereotypes that feminism goes through, what other philosophers say and the way forward towards ending stereotyping.
...contrastes. A pesar de que presentan una diferencia de casi sesenta años respecto de sus fechas de publicación, los temas centrales que abordan son prácticamente los mismos: la representación de la pobreza y marginación de los sectores urbanos capitalinos, las luchas por la preservación de las comunidades del Caño, la división de clases y espacios, el anhelo por tener una mejor calidad de vida, la resistencia al sistema capitalista, entre otros. El poema de Julia de Burgos muestra un espacio olvidado por la Historia y la literatura, con el propósito de indagar sobre el mundo social y realizar una crítica a los sistemas que lo oprimen. Más aún, se adentra a una problemática que hoy todavía existe, por tanto, su poema mantiene la misma vigencia y pertinencia que tenía cuando fue escrito. Y aquí radica la importancia, no solo de dicho poema, sino de su obra en general.
For Watson, her invitation she sends out to men to lend their hand to the feminist movement might be seen as a desperate call for assistance. Perceived in such a manner, Watson’s vision could be interpreted as a lack of power for the feminist movement, showcasing how women continue to remain dependent on men to advance their own causes. While most feminist circles would not interpret her message in this manner, misogynist male groups would be prone to adopt this belief and refuse to offer assistance for the cause. The vision of de Zayas is also faced with limitations in its application. 17th century Spain was completely dominated by men, and so it would likely be an ineffective strategy to berate men in the hopes of bringing about change. While she does show how a lack of care for women is a strike against their manhood, unlike Watson, de Zayas does not present a specific solid grounding for how reaching out to assist women will benefit men in the long run. Hence, both authors present a vision that can be seen as taking a new approach to the feminist movement and attaining gender equality. While these tactics present opportunity for continued gains, they are beset by several limitations that reduce their overall long term effectiveness in the context in which they were
The hierarchy of gender played out in the new Spanish colonial regime where female dependency upon men was created and manipulated. The Spanish introduced ‘gender beliefs that proclaimed women’s infantility; only men could reach true adulthood and enter public life, freely sign contracts, and hold public office . Women, especially those in the newly created lower class, became dependent on men due to the new legal system put in place which made it so that they could not be full citizens. Men were able to realize full ‘citizenship’ along with the ability to leave the ayllus. This newly performed hierarchy was completely contradictory to the old gender parallelism of Andean society in which each gender had independent spheres and rights to