Essay On A Man Called Ove

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For me, A Man Called Ove was an impulse buy in an airport bookstore after I realized I had forgotten a book and I had a six-hour flight to Seattle ahead of me. If we’re being honest, I bought just based off of the cover. However, once I began reading it I was not particularly interested in the actual book. But, I managed and by the end of the book I had a new appreciation for the book itself as well as the author. There is nothing particularly special about this book. It isn’t a science-fiction novel about time travel through space and it isn’t a heart-wrenching love story or a scary murder mystery. It is just a book about a man called Ove. Although the book was not the most interesting thing I have read, something was compelling about it that made me want to continue to read it. After reflecting on the underlined sentences and paragraphs and dog-eared page corners, I realized what I appreciated most about the book was the language it used. Not so much the message that Fredrik Backman was trying to send as much as the words he used to do so. Just when I was about to close the book because of a lack of interest he would draw me back in with a beautifully worded sentence or paragraph that would make me want to continue. This is a very impressive and useful skill by my measure. …show more content…

That is because the book didn’t do that much for me. However, after a little brainstorming and planning, I had a revelation. The reason I didn’t have much to say is because I wasn’t intended to have much to say. If you read the book you will understand that Ove is a man of few words, but the ones he does say are always truthful and backed. The same is true about this essay, I have few words to effectively describe what I felt about the book but what I choose to say is well thought through and supported. (At least to me because I have read the

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