Essay Comparing Stanislavski And Lee Strasberg

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This is paper is about two interesting actors, directors, and teachers, both well known for acting techniques. The two gentlemen are Konstantin Stanislavski and Lee Strasberg they are responsible for two acting techniques as the system and the method. Many famous actors were very successful by using one or both techniques. Stanislavski spoke of a story about a dog of one of his actors that came to all rehearsals, being rather lazy the dog slept in the corner all day. When the actors were finish working, the dog would go stand at the door without being instructed, waiting for his owner to take him home. What amazed Stanislavski was how the dog would know the rehearsal was over. “ The dog could hear when the actors started talking like normal human beings again” (Stanislavsky and Benedetti X). The dog was able to distinguish the fake from the living, a goal Stanislavski strived for his students (Stanislavsky and Benedetti X). Strasberg was a student of the system Stanislavski taught. If you follow both acting and teaching techniques you will be bale to identify that there are a few differences in the system of Stanislavski and the …show more content…

They are both timeless and remembered for their contributions to the theater and actors. They are still mentors to many actors and university students today through the legacy they have left. “The discoveries of Stanislavsky and their significance together with the perspective and experience provided by the method, seem to me o provide for the first time a concrete foundation for the understanding of the actors creativity, and thus provide the basis for the training of the actor”(Strasberg and Morphos 198-199). After completing my research on acting and teaching techniques I have been able to identify that there area few differences in the system of Stanislavski and the method of

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