English Reflection

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English IV helps give people an extra english credit. It really easy if you do your work and pay attention. English is an important part of school system, it helps people use correct punctuation, grammar, and also helps some people spell correctly. There are other English classes, but English IV really prepares you for college. It teaches students how to properly write essays as you would in college. Overall, it is a fun class and enjoyable.
I learned many different things this past semester. I have learned to write an essay using the MLA format. I also learned that trying and paying attention helps you pass the class. I think the one thing i have improved on is writing essays. I used to be terrible at them and always using incorrect punctuation, but after writing essays and getting feedback on them i have gotten a lot better at it. This may be the last essay i do write, but if it isn’t I will be prepared on the correct way to write one. …show more content…

Some people think that they won’t do some of the things this class teaches, but it’s better to know them and not use them, than not know them and use them. There are other things that i learned and improved on in this class. I am grateful that i know them too.
I think the assignments i have done better on would be all the essays. I have done a lot better on them. I haven’t rushed on them like i have on other essays in past english classes. I actually took time to write them made sure i corrected most of my mistakes. My favorite assignment was the 25,000 giveaway essay. That particular essay helped me on english and math. It used a lot of adding and subtracting on it and to precise on the price so i wouldn’t go over or to far under the limit too

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