Emotional Maturity: A Definition Of Ambiguity

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Opening of New Insights for the Researchers: A Descriptive Study on Emotional Maturity

1. Introduction

Maturity has been defined as the capacity of mind to endure the capability of an individual to react to ambiguity, conditions or surroundings in an appropriate way (Finley, 1996). Emotional maturity can be defined as the capability of an individual to deal practically with real life situations. Emotional maturity can be defined as a process in which the personality always determined for better sense of emotional well-being (Menninger, 1999).(Cole,1954) has explained that the emotional maturity of an individual can be measured through the way an individual bears the tension. Therefore emotional maturity is directly related to the self-controlling …show more content…

A further step can be taken by looking at the map's dimensions of the emotional experiences. The emotional experiences are divided into two dimensions known as valence (how negative or positive the experience feels) and arousal (how energized or enervated the experience feels).
a) Evolutionary theories: Perspectives on emotions from evolutionary theory were initiated in the late 19th century with Charles Darwin's book The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals.[13] Darwin argued that emotions actually served a purpose for humans, in communication and also in aiding their survival.
b) Contemporary theories: More contemporary views along the evolutionary psychology spectrum posit that both basic emotions and social emotions evolved to motivate (social) behaviours that were adaptive in the ancestral environment. Current research suggests that emotion is an essential part of any human decision-making and planning, and the famous distinction made between reason and emotion is not as clear as it seems. Research on social emotion also focuses on the physical displays of emotion including body language of animals and …show more content…

The study also aims to measure the differences in emotional maturity among superior children due to difference in their gender, age and residence. Sample size of the study was 300 of which 150 were girls and 150 were boys. It was found from the study that intelligence and emotional maturity are highly related to each other. The study also revealed that emotional maturity among superior children varies due to gender differences and different residence- urban & rural. Age has been found insignificantly related to the emotional maturity among superior children. (Kaur, Sarabjit, 1984) made a study to examine the effect of intelligence and emotional maturity of graduate level students on their academic achievement. It was concluded from the study that the intelligence and emotional maturity varies in graduate level students due to different education streams as, arts and science. (Darwin, Nelson, 2005) has done a research on relationship between emotional intelligence and the emotional maturity. It was found from the research that early childhood education level of children effect the emotional maturity of children at their later age. (Ronald E. McNairs, 2004) in his research found that effective learning is associated with the emotional maturity of the children. It was found from the study that emotional maturity, commitments and dedication of the students lead to effective

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