Emotional Intelligence Video Analysis

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In the TedX The Power of Emotional Intelligence video, Travis Bradberry talks about emotional intelligence and how it affects us. Emotional intelligence is a critical to us as if not controlled it can affect us negatively. Emotional intelligence combines the Limbic System and the Rational Brain. He also explains emotional intelligence doesn’t always correlate to intelligence. You can have a low IQ and yet still have a high EQ, be average in both, or the opposite and have a high IQ and low EQ. He further explains how emotional intelligence affects the workforce. Travis Bradberry explains there are several things you can do to increase your emotional intelligence. There is a way to improve your emotional intelligence and Mr. Bradberry calls this the “three silver bullets.” In the work force 90% of the top performers are high in emotional intelligence (Bradberry, 2017). You can also be a low performer and have a high emotional intelligence, however, there is generally other factors at play. He continues to explain that the high emotional people peak at the at the middle management level. The lowest emotional intelligence scores are held by the CEOs. Most organize send the wrong …show more content…

Intermittent mild stress is ok, but if the stress becomes out of control, you lose your ability to control your emotions. When you are unable to control emotions, you are unable to control your stress. The second of the silver bullets is to get a good night sleep. One of the things we can do to get a better night sleep is to stop taking sleep aids. The other thing to assist you in sleeping correctly is to put away the computer, tv, phones, and tablets before bed. The third silver bullet is to get your caffeine intake under control. You should not drink caffeine after noon and understand how it effects your body. All three of these silver bullets will help you increase your emotional

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