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Reflection on emergent literacy
Reflection on emergent literacy
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According to Dostal and Hanley (2009), emergent literacy is a slow and continual process that occurs from birth until a child can read and write in the ‘traditional’ sense. It incorporates all parts of language, such as viewing, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Emergent literacy skills and understanding can be facilitated in kindergarten and pre-primary through carefully organised routines, transitions, and learning centres, such as the science centre, writing centre, and socio-dramatic play centre. Emergent literacy can also be developed through the use of teaching strategies such as a language experience and shared reading.
Part A: Organising for Emergent Literacy Learning and Development
Transitions and Routines:
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Socio-dramatic play benefits children by developing social and oral interaction with peers, and extending their vocabulary with topic related language. Educators can set up socio-dramatic play areas so that they contribute to developing the children’s emergent literacy skills. Fellowes and Oakley state that educators can facilitate emergent literacy learning in a socio-dramatic play area by including writing materials that can be easily included in play, for example, note pads and clipboards. Another way to facilitate emergent literacy is to include real texts such as signs in the play area, but these texts must be relevant to the experiences of the children (2011). An example of a socio-dramatic play area that helps develop emergent literacy skills is a restaurant or café. To allow the children to have opportunities to develop their emergent literacy knowledge while playing in this socio-dramatic play centre, the educator could add these literacy related …show more content…
To allow the children to have opportunities to develop their emergent literacy knowledge while spending time in the writing centre, the educator could add literacy related materials such as different writing materials and different things for the children to write on (Fellowes and Oakley, 2011). To support emergent literacy in this centre the educator could include literacy related materials such as: • Non fiction and fiction books relating to the current class topic/theme
• Language and vocabulary games such as picture cards, bingo games
• Playdough to practice forming letters
• Different types of paper
• Letter magnets and
If someone asked you if you knew what literacy is, how would you respond? When my English professor asked us that same question, my first thought was that it had to do something with writing. I was in the right path, but just half way there. Literacy has to do with the ability to read and write. Now let me ask you one thing, do you remember who your first sponsor was? You probably are making a lost face expression, because you have no idea who it was. Dont worry I had that same expression a few weeks ago, but Deborah Brandt helped me get rid of that lost feeling.
Developing as a writer is an important skill you need for the rest of your life. My papers have not been the greatest but they do reflect me as a writer. I chose to revise the works that I thought I worked hard on and did my best to get my point across in a neat and consistent manner. The papers I chose were the literacy narrative, the synthesis essay, and the argument essay. I thought these papers really reflected how I have grown as a writer and developed better writing skills.
Throughout my childhood, the idea of having a college education was greatly stressed. As a result, it was my duty as the next generational child, to excel in my studies and achieve a life of prosperity and success. Learning became the basic foundation of my growth. Therefore, my youth was overtaken by many hours spent reading and writing what was known to be correct "Standard" English. I first found this to be a great shortcoming, but as I grew older, I began to realize the many rewards acquired by having the ability to be literate.
It was finally time to head to gym class in the afternoon where we were instructed to take part of a physical test. This test would determine how fit or unfit we are based on a system that was implemented by those with greater authority, on which concluded that it was on such a scale society should be based on. So it was that afternoon that I preformed the tasks that were instructed on to me and my peers. I was able to completed them to my utmost potential which can be consider to be something not so distinctive. It was on this day that I was mocked by one my peers of my lack of ability to preform the instructed physical tasks, that was a no brainer to such a fit individual like himself. It
Life is like a tree, it grows and develops branches and leaves that come and go as we progress. The environments we live in determine which branches wither and fade and which prosper. Every branch holds some form of learned literacy from the end of the roots to the trunk and highest branch. Literacy encompasses many aspects of life.
Play is such an important part of the learning and growing, especially for children. Children engage in many different types of play, but the play I saw the most when I observe the children of my daycare is sociodramatic play. The book Understanding Dramatic Play by Judith Kase-Polisini defines sociodramatic play as “both players must tacitly or openly agree to act out the same drama” (Kase-Polisini 40). This shows that children play with each other and make their worlds together as equal creators. Children also work together without argument.
As a child, I have always been fond of reading books. My mother would read to me every single night before I went to bed and sometimes throughout the day. It was the most exciting time of the day when she would open the cabinet, with what seemed to be hundreds of feet tall, of endless books to choose from. When she read to me, I wanted nothing more than to read just like her. Together, we worked on reading every chance we had. Eventually I got better at reading alone and could not put a book down. Instead of playing outside with my brothers during the Summer, I would stay inside in complete silence and just read. I remember going to the library with my mom on Saturdays, and staying the entire day. I looked forward to it each and every week.
My literacy journey commenced at a young age. My story begins with the typical bed time stories and slowly progresses into complex novels. Some points in my literacy journey have made me admire the written word but other times literacy frustrated me. These ups and downs within my story have made me the person I am today. My parents noticed that my reading was not up to par with other children in kindergarten and I was diagnosed with mild dyslexia at the age of five. My parents provided me a reading mentor named Mrs. Mandeville who has shaped my literacy journey in many ways. Events in my childhood have shaped my literacy in various ways.
Literacy is most commonly understood as reading and writing. But before children can read and write, they need to learn about sound, words, language, books and stories (Raising Children, 2015). Children begin to develop and gain knowledge quite differently and with support and developmentally appropriate learning skills children will also come to understand the connection between letters and sounds. Literacy development or early literacy is the most essential in the first three years of life as it the earliest experience children have with language, sound and the positive interactions between child and adult. Vygotsky (1978) believed in how children developed, and the important role of adults in leading child’s early development. The interactions
Literacy is defined as “the ability to use available symbol systems that are fundamental to learning and teaching for the purposes of comprehending and composing, for the purposes of making and communicating meaning and knowledge” (Stock, 2012), and it is one of the most essential skills that an early year student will learn. Literacy serves to provide the building blocks for the continued knowledge acquisition and general education of individuals of all ages; by working to understand and identify how and why literacy is taught using the structured literacy block format in Australian schools, and in identifying the benefits of utilizing this type of tool for teaching literacy in student’s early years, it will be possible to gain a better understanding of the organization, planning, and teaching approaches that are used in a literacy block approach. A sample standard literacy block will be provided, offering the means of understanding the applications of the tool, which will serve to further stress the necessity of this tool’s usage.
A comprehensive approach to literacy instruction is when reading and writing are integrated. This happens by connecting reading, writing, comprehension, and good children’s literature. A comprehensive approach to literacy should focus on the many different aspects of reading and writing in order to improve literacy instruction. This includes teachers supporting a comprehensive literacy instructional program by providing developmentally appropriate activities for children. Comprehensive literacy approaches incorporate meaning based skills for children by providing them with the environment needed for literacy experiences. This includes having a print rich classroom where children are exposed to charts, schedules, play related print, and
My relationship with literacy began when I started elementary school and that was the first starting point of my positive relationship with literacy. I really started to grow as a reader and writer throughout my middle school and high school years. Throughout my years of going to school I had many positive experiences that shaped my view of literacy today. My literacy skills have also enhanced throughout my educational years.
Winch, G., Johnston, R., March, P., Ljungdahl, L., & Holliday, M. (2010). Literacy: Reading, writing and children’s literature (4th ed.). South Melbourne, VIC: Oxford University Press.
The assessment is to inform a beginning teacher of the most important philosophical and developmental factors which should be considered when planning a literacy rich environment for an early years setting. As children in the early years from aged three to five require a literacy rich environment to learn and develop sound language and literacy skills. A high quality literacy environment is one that includes well designed with literacy materials and resourced, and provides effective teaching and learning practices for children to experience (McLachlan, Nicholson, Fielding-Barnsley, Mercer & Ohi, 2013, p. 102). In addition, the importance of intentional teaching, reading, writing, engaging in multi literacies and teaching approaches that would be suitable to phonological awareness would be considered to design a literacy rich environment. The role of the teacher Educators play important roles in children’s lives in
Two days a week in the morning, the children participate in a reading and writing block called “literacy and writing workshop.” The classroom is organized into five different levels with one group having one extra person; the levels are based on scoring of reading assessments. The groups are rotated so that each may spend 15 minutes cycles with either the teacher or Para-educator. The groups not with an instructor were to work on the “Daily-5” (explanation later) until their scheduled lesson. After the students finish their lesson, they are to fill the remainder of the workshop time working on “Daily-5.” This workshop is part of a regular routine. The students understand that after a reading a story with the teacher, they are verbally given a writing assignment. The assignment is usually to write a five sentence paragraph and color a picture related to the reading.