The Literacy Narrative, The Synthesis Essay, And The Argument Essay

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Developing as a writer is an important skill you need for the rest of your life. My papers have not been the greatest but they do reflect me as a writer. I chose to revise the works that I thought I worked hard on and did my best to get my point across in a neat and consistent manner. The papers I chose were the literacy narrative, the synthesis essay, and the argument essay. I thought these papers really reflected how I have grown as a writer and developed better writing skills.
The first work I chose was my first paper I had written in college. The literacy narrative which I had titled Think Quick, was a challenge for me to write. I would normally sit down at my computer and just start writing my paper from the introduction to conclusion. This time I decided to try something different, I started with the body paragraphs. I also found it hard to incorporate someone else’s work into my paper. Once my paper was finished, I read over it to find mistakes and correct them.
I had missed quite a few mistakes that I would never have thought of. Once I got my paper back I made revisions. ...

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