People do not think about this often but deciding where and what one will eat is an everyday decision. Often, this decision is one of the most difficult to make specifically for students on campus.Unfortunately, Dixie State University does not have much to offer on campus for students who face this problem making other dilemmas difficult to manage. With that being said, Dixie State University should allow private food vendors to rent a space on campus to help facilitate time, variety, and convenience for students.
First, allowing private food vendors to rent a space will save students time. For example, students will no longer have to drive to get something to eat, giving them plenty of time to make the next class on time. Also, now that students
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Further, students also now have time to run other urgent errands. Now that students have the luxury of eating on campus students can now use their excess time to run errands. It is common for students to have multiple things to do, in situations like that students sacrifice a meal in order to complete urgent errands. This won 't be a factor if DSU allows private food vendors on campus.
Not only do students save time, but now students have the benefit of having a variety to choose from. Having multiple private food vendors on campus gives students a variety to choose from rather than just the usual. Students typically get tired of eating the same food. For instance, eating the same old breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day can make eating dreadful. Just like when a mom feeds her child last night 's leftovers. Eating just isn 't the same which is why students need a variety on campus. Now that there is a diversity of foods students are likely to stay on campus, which is beneficial if a student has back to back classes. Also, now that students have a variety to choose from, students can replenish their taste buds and keep themselves pleased. One other perk to having a variety is students can have a place they really enjoy. For instance, everyone has a favorite place to go to that is impossible to get sick of, it is very possible
Fast-food franchises are an important part of many high schools income. This money, provided by the students, goes towards extra academics, sports, even art and music programs. When high schools could just as easily serve the same portions of regular school cafeteria food, and make the same amount of revenue by charging the same price.
The food that they serve here at HVHS is picked and made by professional’s. They are to do what they are instructed to do and make by the government. The food they make is not only best oh so damn good food you’ll ever eat but, it’s so nutritious and healthy for you! Plus students who go off campus for food
The University of a Florida offers meal plans for students who wish to have a meal ready for them rather than worrying about what they are going to eat, or perhaps cook, throughout the day. The problem with this idea however, is that students oftentimes do not take full advantage of this system. Whether it is cooking, eating out, or even going home on the weekends, there are several factors that can get in the way of taking full advantage of the meal plan. This dilemma often leaves families asking the same question: is buying the meal plan that is provided by colleges actually worth the money? While buying a meal plan for college appears to make sense for many incoming freshmen, it does not always translate into the most efficient use of their money.
First, there is a lot of benefits for open campus lunch. Open campus lunch gives all of the students an opportunity to learn responsibility. It is also a great way to teach them how to interact with the real world. It can make all student better adults in the future. They will learn from open campus lunch to not make big mistake.Once they get used to having open campus lunch, when they graduate they will know what to expect, because
For the majority of high school students having the option to go home for lunch or to go somewhere to eat would be the ultimate dream. High school students do not think about the dangers and worry that open campus lunch would cause for staff and parents. They do not think about the small sum of students who would spend that time doing drugs or making messes at local businesses. There would also be an amount of students who would not return, or they may be late returning to school due to traffic at fast food places. Faculty would also have the fret of an increase of car accidents caused from the limited time students would have to go wherever and get back before their next class. On the other hand, students would learn responsibilities and time management. Parents would be forced to give their children money to eat out. Along with the money on their school lunch accounts, or they would be apart of the free lunch school program. Schools cannot have open campus lunches
Since the beginning of time, schools were always a place we could trust. A place where we could send our kid(s) off to without worry of what they may be learning, doing, or eating, but perhaps we should be. As the craving of fast food is growing, so is the demand for it. Some schools have taken advantage of this and brought fast food into their schools, providing it for lunch. A high school in California serves McDonald’s, Subway, and even Quiznos to their students for lunch (Lehmann). The school claims the kids are more likely to buy school food when they see brand foods (n.p.). Schools get money from the National School Lunch Program for every meal they serve, but that money from the government only covers so much (n.p.). To pay the rest of the lunch staff, facilities costs, and food, schools turn to the money they make by selling lunches and breakfast to their students (n.p.). Another school in California has even tried to mimic Round Table, a brand name pizza in their area, with healthier ingredients, but was only able to sell 250-300; when they sold Round T...
“Schools become the ‘last frontier’ for hungry kids.” Thus, many students do not carry the proper balance of nutrition through school that conceals the students indoors through the school day. Students are in a constant battle for motivation in the classroom atmosphere that does not consider a student’s pace while learning. Today, students in community schools from Michigan seldom use open campus privileges. (Johnson, Adrian. “Should high schools have open campus for lunch?” Students’ are required to stay on campus to abstain from the increase of truancy leading to missing instructional
Dining facilities, especially the main on-campus food facility, Gibbons Dining Hall, need to remain open later to accommodate everyone. By giving students more time to eat, more students would opt for the more costly meal plans and not have to load up on snacks and other items from off campus stores such as Wal-mart. The less students go off campus, the more likely their revenue is to stay in the university. The addition of dining hours would certainly benefit everyone involved in the university.
To solve this problem, we need the cafeteria to be open more hours. If it is because of the need of workers in those other times, it is a big change that even students won't mind to work in the cafeteria to have it open for longer hours. Another idea would be to have longer hours open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Even if it is not open for the whole day, longer hours might allow more comfort ability for everyone. We know that with out food, one cannot concentrate in their studies, nor perform their work well.
The anticipation of attending college floods teenagers with numerous thoughts. Living on their own, going to class when they please, staying out as late as they want, and surviving on food the dining hall provides or what they buy at the grocery store. More free time, or lack there of, may bring students spinning downwards towards bad eating habits and malnutrition. Rolling out of bed five minutes before class means grabbing a coffee on the way. Too much homework or a big project might mean skipping a healthy dinner and cooking some Ramen noodles or snacking on chips all night. This is where the “convenience foods” come in which are factory made dishes or meals that only need to be heated up or need just one or two additional ingredients.
Ethical eating is currently an international trending topic. Many people from around the globe are considering their options regarding food sources, humane foods and ethical preparation of food and its origins. After learning how to prepare meatless meals in their kitchens, new vegetarians find cooking to be easier and more enjoyable than when they prepared meat in their respective kitchens. For example, new vegetarians can appreciate the cleanliness of their kitchens due to the lack of blood, grease and animal fat that may be left behind from preparing flesh. There are many studies that reveal the positive attributes of vegetarianism. What about ethical eating options? What does ethical eating really mean? Several nutritionists and scientists
College kids eat all the time and it is very interesting to see them in action at the store. The stereotypes are that college kids eat ramen noodles and drink red bull all day but, with a little observation one might see that all college kids are a little different. The amount of diversity on campus is immense and the campus grocery store is a wonderful place to see it. Language, Food and Culture are all extremely important to a college campus. From the campus cache we can learn a lot about the different types of students we have on campus like what they eat, what languages they use and how they interact with each other.
When one goes away to college, their life changes dramatically. They are forced to make changes in their own lives in order to adapt to college life. When one is in high school and living at home, their eating habits and personal hygiene practices are for the most part controlled by their parents. They are told what to eat and when to eat it. They are told to keep their room clean and to take their vitamins, etc. When one moves away to college, they are on their own. There is no one telling them to clean their room, or to do laundry or what they have to eat. In some colleges and universities, it is required that freshmen live on campus and eat at least two meals a day in the dining hall. This isn't necessarily for the university to monitor a student's eating habits but rather to get the student acquainted with the campus and other people living there. Food served in college dining halls has not been known for it's nutritional value. However, over the past couple of years college chefs have been working to change that. While a lot of students have committed to eating the healthier foods and trying to stay healthy, the vast majority lives on pizza and taco bell or any other cheap fast food chain that is open until the late hours of the night. College is a fast paced environment and fast food caters to college students. In this fast paced environment, students more often than not neglect their health and personal hygiene and the consequences range from obesity to deadly eating disorders.
We all know that everyone gets excited when going out to eat at different restaurants are fun but have you ever thought about the effects of it. Eating out is always a treat for plenty of families and have become a natural routine for many people. That’s why limiting your dining out experience can change your life in many ways; such as saving money, time, nutritional value, even bringing your family together.
Previously to taking this class, I had never given much thought to my eating habits. I always thought of the way I chose to eat as one of those things I didn’t need to concern myself with too heavily now because I’m a young broke college student. The way I eat is pretty similar to the way most of my friends eat and when you live away from home, that seems like the norm for people in college. However, after applying what I’ve learned in this class to my life, I’ve realized that the dietary choices I make now affect not only my current health, but my future health as well. So overall, I would say that my eating habits are pretty bad, but I’m working on making them better.