The Inefficiency of the College Meal Plan

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The University of a Florida offers meal plans for students who wish to have a meal ready for them rather than worrying about what they are going to eat, or perhaps cook, throughout the day. The problem with this idea however, is that students oftentimes do not take full advantage of this system. Whether it is cooking, eating out, or even going home on the weekends, there are several factors that can get in the way of taking full advantage of the meal plan. This dilemma often leaves families asking the same question: is buying the meal plan that is provided by colleges actually worth the money? While buying a meal plan for college appears to make sense for many incoming freshmen, it does not always translate into the most efficient use of their money.
In order to find out how many students make use of their current meal plan, my group went out and surveyed forty students (twenty-three freshmen, six second-years, six third-years, and five fourth-years) currently attending the University of Florida in a face-to-face question format. A majority of the students who were involved in this study were freshmen, as they are the demographic that is the most encouraged to purchase a meal plan for convenience as well as social reasons. The students were asked a set of five questions as follows:
1. What year are you?
2. What type of meal plan do you have?
3. How many times a day, on average, do you eat at the dining halls?
4. How many times a week, on average, do you eat at either the dining halls or places where flex bucks are accepted?
5. How many times a week, on average, do you eat grocery store bought food as a meal?
Answers were listed as in A, B, C format, with each letter representing an answer. Following this survey, students who wer...

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...plan even more of a financial burden. If the number for total number of meals is adjusted for these above factors, and decreases to about 210, that is an average of $9.00 for each meal. This average is more than it costs to enter the dining hall as an outsider who is not on the meal plan. While meal plans are advertised as a convenient use of money that can be put towards food, it is also a big responsibility that must be thought about carefully before making the decision to sign up for one.

Works Cited

"Create an Account, Add Money, or Buy a Student Meal Plan." Gator 1 Central. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2013. .
Landes, Luke. "How a College Meal Plan Wastes Money." Consumerism Commentary RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2013. .

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