Eating Bugs Advantages

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Bugs? Yes, bugs! These small vertebrates have been around longer than we have. In many countries today, it is still a tradition to eat bugs like silkworms and crickets, but in most modern societies today, eating bugs is frowned upon and is thought as a taboo. Nevertheless, crucial studies have shown that by 2030, bugs will be an essential protein source for you, me, and the rest of the world. Will you be ready? Although most of us squirm and shriek whenever we lay our unfortunate eyes on a bug, we never look at the upside of eating bugs. For instance, some of the countless benefits of eating bugs include; Rich in nutrients and minerals, wider resource range, cost efficiency, and great taste. To begin with, let's talk about how cost efficient …show more content…

Similar to before, there is a multitude of benefits from eating insects. These benefits mostly include higher nutrition and mineral rates. In fact, your average cricket contains the identical proteins that you would find in a gourmet steak. Although, the thing that separates the two the most is the fact that insects are not only rich in protein, but they are also abundant in minerals and vitamins like calcium, vitamin B12, vitamin B2, zinc, and iron. But wait, there’s more! Not only do insects have a colossal nutritional value, but they are also more edible. What do I mean by …show more content…

As you already know nutrition is a vital and essential part of our life and without it we would suffer and insects are a great, reliable source of healthy nutritions. Still can’t get your head wrapped around the idea of eating bugs? Well, so far you’ve already learnt about the nutritional and agricultural yields of eating bugs. Are there any more benefits? To be honest, eating bugs is just a good idea in general, but not only is it a good idea, it’s the only option we have; as I have recently stated, by 2030 an estimated 1.8 billion people will be living in poverty and a mammoth 9 BILLION people inhabiting planet Earth. Thus causing a higher demand for meat that will rise substantially throughout the years. Now the real question is, will we be able to cope with these higher demands? Well, the answer is simple... no; With a rising population, meats like beef and pork will become more expensive as agricultural land becomes scarce due to overpopulation limiting the land we can actually use for farming. Now what's the obvious solution to this? Well, we can either build apartment buildings that go on for miles into the space abyss. Or…. we could start eating the healthy insects we all know and

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