Everything that we as humans decide to do has a consequence. Our agency that we are given opens up so many opportunities of lifestyles we are able to live. Many people search for the “perfect lifestyle” that has all the right answers and gives the perfect insight as to what is right and what is wrong. Although the perfect lifestyle seems great, it does not exist. There is not one single answer to everyone’s problems and life answers simply because every being on the planet is different. One way of living may be perfect for Betty Sue, but quite unsatisfactory for Jim Bob. It is very important that we make smart choices and are informed and know the facts about the lifestyles we choose to live. Being a vegetarian is a lifestyle that many people choose to live and pursue. The reasons behind choosing this style may vary person to person, but no matter what the reason is, it is important to be informed about all the pros and cons of being a vegetarian in order
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Although there are wide varieties of options as to what a vegetarian can eat and how they can incorporate those nutrients into their diet, some do not choose to incorporate all of those necessary nutrients, and as a result, are deficient in some of the health guidelines and daily essential needs required for optimal health. B12 and vitamin D are two nutrients that many vegetarians are deficient in (Pros and Cons of Vegetarianism). B12 is attained from consuming meat, but some studies have shown that certain plants are able to provide some of the B vitamins but it is not a proven fact. For the B Vitamins, meat is the most convenient source in which to find these nutrients. By having a plant based diet, it usually more than one serving to attain all the necessary and essential amino acids, whereas meat can provide all the nutrients in a smaller quantity.(Vegetarian
In her essay, “Why I Stopped Being a Vegetarian,” writer Laura Fraser uses her own life experiences to explain why she became a vegetarian, what it did to her, and why she decided to go back to being an omnivore. Fraser’s main idea was that even though being a vegetarian might be slightly healthier than a “usual diet”, and that people should not go against what they are made for. Fraser explains why being a vegetarian can be healthier for people in some places, why it is hard to be a full vegetarian, and why it is a good idea to not go against humans natural ways as a human being. By establishing her personal view and facts that she has researched, and appealing to emotions and logic in some ways, Fraser succeeds in writing an
Being vegetarian opens up so many doors for people. For those who do not know what a vegetarian is or are confused on what they do or eat let me inform you that being a vegetarian simply means that you go off of plant-based diets. Although there are several kinds of vegetarian diets, it is all based on what type of food you are consuming. For example, a strict vegetarians or vegans avoid all foods of animal origin, including meat, poultry, fish, diary products, and eggs. Many people become a vegetarian for different reason according to the Calorie King he states, “being vegetarian means different things to different people, and people follow a vegetarian diet for different reason including health, religion, and ethical beliefs.”(Deusen p.1)
The problem is that these individuals may suffer from anemia due to a lack of iron in the body. However, with education on the importance iron, women and men can seek out some non meat based sources of iron one of them being spinach. This provides them with the iron that they lose from their bodies just to keep them healthy (Benefits of being a vegetarian, 2010). At the same time, being vegetarian is important in maintaining the level of healthy blood; this can be done by consuming more Calcium. Calcium is also another nutrient that is necessary for to the body in terms of growth. Calcium is obtained from vegetarian diets through foods such as leafy green vegetables, seeds, and nuts. Eating a vegetarian diet also results in a balanced body pH for the functioning of the body tissues, giving people more reasons for consuming a vegetarian based diet (Writers,
Starting a vegetarian diet requires planning, because there are many nutrients that cannot be received from plants. The major nutrient received from meat is protein. Protein is necessary to rebuild cells and to have strong bones and muscles. Protein is important for a high-energy level and overall good health (Becoming a Vegetarian 2014).Protein, iron, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and zinc are all vitamins minerals that a vegetarian must find alternative sources of because they are mainly obtained through eating meat (Becoming a Vegetarian 2014).Many vegetarians get these through vitamin supplements. If a person does not get enough iron, they can develop anemia. It is important for a vegetarian to get proper
Diets high in plant protein, such as the vegetarian diet, are linked with many health benefits. Studies suggest vegetarians tend to have a lower body weight, lower cholesterol, lower risk of diabetes, lower blood pressure levels. (21) (18) They also have a lower risk of stroke, cancer and death from heart disease than non-vegetarians (15) (16).
The two primary reasons I choose to be a vegetarian are out of consideration for health (mine and others) and a sense of obligation to live a less-demanding, more equitable life. While some might think that these motivations are noble, I hardly think so. I think they are an ample mix of selfish and collective concerns, ones that recognize my desire to live a long, healthy life and at the same time wishing and allowing the same for others.
Many people have always wondered why people who had always ate meat their entire lives, decide to become vegetarians. People would presume that they wanted to lose weight, become healthier, or even just to try it out. Several would say non-vegetarianism is healthier and could help your body; however, vegetarians can be healthy too by what they eat and how much they eat of that particular food. Although I eat meat and I’m not a vegetarian, being a vegetarian can help your body in more ways than one and have many advantages in helping your body. Many become vegetarians to remove non-healthy things from their body, are animal lovers, or even religious or cultural reasons.
Going through life as carnivores, most people do not feel as though it is immoral due to the food chain. They are simply eating what is right to maintain proper nutrition and remain healthy. It is understandable that people do not eat meat due to animal cruelty, love of animals, morals, and ethical reasoning, but in reality, they are just robbing themselves of the proper nutrients. Vegetarians are likely to come across many negative health risks that meat eaters are less likely to come across. By not eating meat, vegetarians are prone to pernicious anemia due to vitamin B deficiency, which can seriously interfere with the production or red blood cells within bone marrow. Other health problems include iron deficiency, animal-protein deficiency, and vitamin D deficiency, as well as having lo...
In a veganism diet, many of the nutrients that are part of a well-balanced diet may not be consumed. An article on the Authority Nutrition website explains how a vitamin B-12 deficiency is the most common problem among the vegan diet, they go on to explain, “Because B12 is critical for life and isn’t found in any amount in plants (except some types of algae), it is by far the most important nutrient that vegans must be concerned with.” The article goes on to explain that other nutrients needed in the vegan diet include animal protein, creatine, carnosine, and docosahexaenoic
For several years the issue of eating meat has been a great concern to all types of people all over the world. In many different societies controversy has began to arise over the morality of eating meat from animals. A lot of the reasons for not eating meat have to deal with religious affiliations, personal health, animal rights, and concern about the environment. Vegetarians have a greater way of expressing meats negative effects on the human body whereas meat eaters have close to no evidence of meat eating being a positive effect on the human body. Being a vegetarian is more beneficial for human beings because of health reasons, environmental issues, and animal rights.
375 million people across the world are vegetarian, but vegetarian and vegan diets aren’t as great as you think they might be. Vegetarians are people that do not eat meat. Vegans do not eat any animal products. Vegetarian diets have many down sides and are harming more than they are helping. They rely a lot on soy which can be harmful, vegetables do not have the same health benefits that meat and animal products do, and vegetable and fruit farming can be harmful for the environment.
Albert Einstein once said, "Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival for life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." As people move into a more health conscious society, vegetarianism is becoming a popular choice. While some people cannot imagine a day without meat, others are convinced that a vegetarian lifestyle is the better option. There are numerous benefits of being a vegetarian. Some of the reasons are as follows: vegetarianism has multiple health paybacks, is far better for the environment, and is morally sound. Most people believe that vegetarianism is unhealthy, goes against our natural diet, and unnecessary, however, a vegetarian diet offers many health benefits and is more ethical than an omnivorous existence.
In conclusion, vegetarianism benefits many part of our life. A healthier body, a better environment, and more fair treatment of animals are all requites of becoming vegetarians. It is hard to change eating habits, but it is not impossible. There are many kinds of food that vegetarians can choose today. The taste of the non-meat food is not all bad and some of them maybe much better than imagination. It is not wise to deny being a vegetarian before trying to be. With more and more people adopting the vegetarian diet, the world will be a better place in the future: animals will be treated better; global warming will be alleviated; fewer people will be starving, and ultimately, people will be healthier and be living longer. Therefore, people should start action before it is too late.
Vegetarians tend to be healthier than those who consume meat. This is due to the prevalent unnatural chemicals used in the processing of meats, and eating these are unsuitable for the body. Meats already contain harmful amounts of cholesterol, and over-consumption of red meat can lead to early heart disease. Animals that are raised on farms for their meat are not treated well, and this mistreatment can lead to harm in the meat they are producing. Although one life choice cannot change one’s environmental
... middle of paper ... ... The vegetarian diet is one that provides the body with many essential nutrients. These nutrients include fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals.