ENF Courses Improve Reading Skills

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According to Ncls.org, studies have shown that twenty eight to forty percent of first-time undergraduates need to enroll in at least one remedial course. This is an extremely large number. ENF courses are very valuable even though these courses do not count toward degree credits. ENF courses greatly improve reading skills, properly teaches students how to write essays, and prepares students for life outside of college.
One reason ENF courses are important is it greatly improves reading skills. ENF teaches an abundance of college level vocabulary that will not only help within English classes. This new vocabulary will improve communication with peers and coworkers. There are many words that I had heard before this class and did not know the proper meaning. Students have learned that when reading a difficult passage to eliminate words that they don’t know or understand, and move to words they do know. This course also teaches students to …show more content…

Being taught the importance of outlining ideas and getting all thoughts together first. This classes how shows the proper way to structure an essay by starting with the thesis statement. Next completing the 3 body paragraphs to correspond with the thesis statement, and how to use transition words to go from one paragraph to the next. Then completing the conclusion, and lastly writing the introduction paragraph. Before this class I dreaded writing essays, but knowing how to properly write them has made it so much easier. This class also has helpful tools, for example Connect to help with the proper use of punctuation like commas and semicolons. Using proper punctuation had been difficult for me in the past. Students are taught how to properly combine sentences, and how to determine if sentences are able to stand alone. Along with learning the importance of prewriting and editing. Since taking this class I am begun to enjoy

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