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Imagine your childhood. Now imagine sitting in school and dreading that one moment when your elementary school teacher is going to call on you to read aloud to the class. Imagine that you dread this moment so dearly because you constantly trip over simple words and are made to feel stupid because of it. Or worse, imagine knowing that you do try your hardest but still have report cards that say that you are not living up to your full potential and need to start making an effort in school. These are just some of the thoughts and emotions that a child with dyslexia faces everyday.

Dyslexia is a language based learning disorder that is grounded in the neurobiology of the brain. The disorder interferes with the processing and comprehension of both spoken and written language. Often there are other associated symptoms such as poor spelling, writing, handwriting and occasionally arithmetic (1). People do not read or write backwards as is depicted by the media. Nor is it a disorder of laziness or lack of intelligence.

Current National Institutes of Health (NIH) studies estimate the prevalence of this disorder at 20% of school age children. This means that one in five children have the fears and emotions expressed above. It is by far the most common form of learning disability. In addition, dyslexia affects all socio-economic classes and all races equally (2) (2). It affects as many boys as girls (3). However, boys are usually spotted more quickly because they tend to exhibit externalizing behaviors such as acting out when doing poorly in school. Consequently the teacher is more likely to look for a problem in a child who is acting out in class rather than one who is quiet. Thus, boys who tend to act out more will be ...

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8) deletreando , en el Web site internacional de la asociación de Dyslexia.


9) Selikowitz M. Dyslexia y otras dificultades el aprender: los hechos. 2do ed. Prensa De la Universidad De Oxford: Oxford 1998,

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