Dumb Math: A Short Story

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"Hello! How are you doing on this fine day?" I imagine you have to read about a million other essays, so I'll try my absolute best to keep mine as short and as sweet and as painless as possible. Unfortunately, I've dealt with failure one too many times in my life; so I know a lot from experience. So it's only fitting I tell you of a saga that has spanned all of three years from one of those experiences. At the ripe, tender age of 10 years old, there was nothing more I wanted than to get into accelerated math. Accelerated math would begin my 6th grade year and only students chosen by the teacher or who acquired the required grade would get in. Now was my chance, my opportunity. Back when I depended a little too heavily on what people thought of me, I cared about getting into accelerated math for one of many reasons: to prove to my fellow peers I was smart, capable. If I didn't make it into accelerated math, I would be placed in what everyone originally deemed 'Dumb Math'. If I was to be put into Dumb Math, it would be the bane of my existence. My life would positively, without a doubt end. Everything would all go down hill from there. Life would be horrendous and I wouldn't even have the luxury of dying of old age! I'd probably fall victim to some random disease, spending the rest of my days succumbing to it! As you can see, I was maybe a bit dramatic back then. …show more content…

I didn't get in. Okay, I thought, try harder next year. Not a big deal at all. Though it was the biggest deal in the whole entirety of my eleven years of

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