Donald Davidson's What Metaphors Mean
Our literal understandings of a word are twins in constant opposition with one another, twins in constant competition to receive the most love from their mother and father. Let us pretend the parents are the literary community that demonstrates love frequently by showing a preference for one of their twins. Donald Davidson's theory expressed in What Metaphors Mean is a tragic, intellectual miscarriage; it is a theory of language that brings forth a stillborn child, a dead metaphor.
Do you see the candle there in the window? What does it mean to you, and is your understanding of its "ordinary" essence, its literal meaning, identical to mine? Davidson assumes we both clearly know and agree upon its literal meaning, that it is literally "a cylindrical mass of tallow or wax with a wick through its center, which gives light when burned." Contrarily, however, I believe our understandings of a simple word like candle often file for divorce because they cannot resist the semantic temptation of what I metaphorically call literal-meaning infidelity. Metaphorical meaning is a sex object for literal meaning, and the mind of a creative artist, a lover of humanities and poetry, is incapable of not pursing this with passion unleashed via creative language-libido. This kind of person has a mind fundamentally opposed to the Davidsonesque mind, a mind that is constantly discovering (if he reads a book of prose or poetry) and inventing (if he writes with a pen in his hand) the metaphorical connection with lust filled eyes.
The above literal, dictionary definition of candle is not the first definition that enters my mind, I am afraid, and thus how can there only exist a literal "surface" meaning inside...
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...rn to a state of mind that only acknowledges objective, literal meanings in words, denying language its natural tendency of allowing meanings to evolve and expand.
It is imperative for us, especially all poets and writers of prose that use language to express figurative meaning, to critique this theory because it only decreases creativity and denies that artist say anything beyond the literal with their words and metaphors. Davidson's ideas violently affront to the purpose of our craft. If we become completely dependent upon objective, literal meaning and learn to reject subjective, figurative meaning in words, we will consequently become less human and more detached from the world, from our natural surroundings, from our fellow human beings, and from the spontaneous, creative voices deep in our guts that often speak of truths literal expression cannot capture.
The short story, “The Metaphor,” by Budge Wilson, engulfs its pages with a colorful woman named Miss Hancock, one of the main characters. She is presented through both indirect and direct presentation. Miss Hancock is defined as the “plump and unmarried and overenthusiastic […] teacher of literature and creative writing.” She decorated her face and body “nearly as always flamboyant as her nature,” showing off her “luminous frosted lipstick” and “brightly, aggressively,
Richard Wilbur's use of imagery and extended metaphor in "The Writer" help to reveal the that an individual may run into obstacles, but perseverance will help them reach past them.
Poetic testimonies emerge as metaphors defining human
Everyone has a different view on life. One's perception can significantly impact the way that he/she views the rest of the world. This perception can be both positive and negative. Perception often plays a big role in determining how one is viewed by both themselves and others. People are often judged by their appearance and their actions. However, it is things such as their personality and their character that truly define them as individuals. In Budge Wilson's "The Metaphor," Miss Hancock is faced with the fact that other individuals often overlook her. Though others may not be aware of what they are doing, their actions can greatly impact another individual throughout their lifetime. The way that one is perceived can both positively and negatively affect the way that others view them as an individual, which can greatly affect their entire life.
“Metaphor.” Dictionary of World Literature: Criticism - Forms - Technique. Ed. Joseph T. Shipley. New York: Philosophical Library, 1943. 377-8.
Dissecting Norwich’s use of metaphor descriptors in comparison as “a sublime creativity that likens us to God.” Norwich speaks with gentle authority as she seeks God. Her inner soul reflects the “three-ness found within God’s as all mighty, all wisdom and all love.” God is Father, Son, Holy Ghost, Creator, Lover, Keeper, Mother, Father, and Spouse.
The popular American Poet, Billy Collins, is playing a significant role in the evolution of poetry. His writing style evokes an array of emotions for the reader. Every stanza in his poetry passes the satirical standard that he generated for himself over his career. Collins swiftly captivates his readers through his diverse use of figurative language. More specifically, his use of vivid imagery paired with humorous personification and extended metaphors create his unique style of satirical poetry. This developed form of writing appeals to a large crowd of people because the generally accessible topics that he discusses are fairly easy to resonate for the common man. However, his poetry offers an interesting perspective on what otherwise would be simplistic ideas. The main themes and concepts that are being presented in each of his writings are revered and coveted by the general population. An appealing aspect of his writing is his ability to directly convey the main idea within the poem. As a result, the reader can understand the meaning of his work with ease. The typical beginning of his work gives the reader a slight taste of what is to come. Billy Collins’ unique writing style and various trademarks directly influenced by his ability to propagate an array of emotions for the reader, his humorous tone, and the accessibility of the topics he describes within his poetry.
Isaacs, Neil D. “The Autoerotic Metaphor in Joyce, Sterne, Lawrence, Stevens, and Whitman.” Literature and Psychology. 15th ed. 1965. 98-102. Print.
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has been in operation for more than 40 years and has been instrumental in working to improve the status of health and the health care for all individuals within the United States of America. They hold a vision “as a nation, to strive together to create a culture of health enabling all in our diverse society to lead healthy lives, now and for generations to come” ("Robert Wood Johnson Foundation," 2014). The Foundations nursing programs has early initiatives that would improve the profession with the advancement of nurse practitioners, programs improving nursing academics, improved hospital nursing. Currently the foundation is developing leadership skills in advanced level nurses and transforming working conditions of nurses within the hospital setting. In support of nursing and in light of the nation’s severe nursing short...
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), a philanthropy organization, has been involved in health matters facing Americans for over 40 years with focus to child and family wellbeing, health coverage, health leadership and workforce, health systems improvements and healthy weight. Since its inception in 1972, RWJF support has grown and is now the largest philanthropy body devoted exclusively to health in the nation (RWJF, 2015). In this paper, the author discusses the RWJF Committee initiatives and their effect on nursing education, nursing practice and nursing workforce development, the role of action based coalition and expound on the state of Oklahoma Campaign team report.
College athletes should be paid! College athletes are often considered to be some of the luckiest students in the world. Most of them receiving all inclusive scholarships that cover all the costs of their education. They are also in a position to make a reputation for themselves in the sporting world preparing them for the next step. The ongoing debate whether student athletes should be paid has been going on for years. These athletes bring in millions of dollars for their respective schools and receive zero in return. Many will argue that they do receive payment, but in reality it is just not true. Costs associated with getting a college education will be discussed, information pertaining to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), and benefits student athletes receive. First, I’ll start with costs associated with college and most of all why student athletes should be paid!
“Poe’s Theory of Poetry.” The Big Read. Handout One. N.d.. 16. Web. 19 April 2014.
RWJF is a private foundation dedicated to raising the health of all Americans (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Website, 2001 - 2015). RWJF approached the IOM to address the issues of nursing in response to the changing face of health care. With the IOM’s mission to improve national health, and the longstanding commitment of RWJF to nursing needs, the two organizations collaborated to establish a two-year initiative to look at the future of
It is patients’ right to opt for genetic testing on their own DNA, although they are accepting a great risk by doing so. DNA is unique to each individual, present in each individual since conception, and influences who each individual is, so the information contained within it belongs to each patient, despite the risks. Such risks include DNA testing services providing results to potential employers or insurers, who can make decisions at the disadvantage of the patients if high disease probabilities are discovered. The results can also cause patients to react emotionally poorly and make negative changes to their lifestyles. Although risky, patients deserve the rights to take these risks if they choose to do so.
Poetry is a craft of near-paradox. Poets often say that they aim to encase the abstract within the concrete, describe without adjectives or adverbs, and expound upon concepts with the utmost concision. To meet these formidable challenges, they keep several important literary devices at their disposal, one of which is the conceit. Commonly defined as an elaborately extended metaphor, the conceit often allows poets to capture complicated ideas through comparison with images closer to readers’ everyday experiences. If the concept that the poet wishes to illustrate comes from the theological or philosophical fields, figurative language like the conceit can rescue the poet from didacticism as well as opacity. “On a Drop of Dew,” a short poem by the metaphysical poet Andrew Marvell, employs the conceit for just this purpose. Marvell’s use of the conceit allows him convey the Christian story of the human soul in his poem with subtlety and simplicity, from its birth in heaven through its placement on earth and eventual reunion with God in heaven.