Doing Gender Research Paper

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Doing Gender Essay
The “doing of gender” is undertaken by women and men who as members of society is hostage to its production; due to the socially guided complexities of male and female “natures”. In the late 60s early 70s sex was said to be ascribed by biology, which consisted of anatomy, hormones, and physiology. Gender on the other hand was an achieved status constructed through culture, psychological, and social means.
Sex now is determined through the socially agreed upon biological criteria for classifying an individual as a male or female. The criteria to determine one’s sex is based upon the genital at birth or the chromosomal typing before birth. The sex category an individual is placed in is determined by the socially required …show more content…

Thus, creating gender inequality; for example, the statement male nurse vs. just a nurse. Socially the nation places the role of a nurse as a woman’s job and when a man works in this profession it is labeled to inform. Gender is seemed to be a result of social norms; however, gender display is based off of interactions of the individuals. Gender display shows the feminine or masculine sides of the individual and the lack of or abundance can establish the dominance or deference of that person. Better explained, gender display refers to the portrayals of the correlations of sex and culture of the individual. The gender display is the expression or individuality a person portrays regardless of the natural masculine and feminine …show more content…

Doing gender is creating differences between sexes that are not considered natural, essential, or biological. We as individuals are always doing gender; the social identities we hold are just interchangeable based upon the situation. When a person’s action is related to the opposite sex category than what one is placed in, there is a challenge on the norm, or a role conflict. Doing gender appropriately is when an individual displays the appropriate actions of the gender ideally by the society; which in turn creates gender differences and inequalities. The appropriate way is what society deems as the correct way to behave as a specific sex. For example; doing gender correctly would be when a women regardless of her work outside the home is, she is deemed responsible for household and child care tasks. This is the case for no reason outside of it is socially what was decided as the “woman’s” job. While doing gender men are doing dominance and women deference as the social order placed on the natural differences individuals hold. We become what we

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