Gender And Traditional Gender Roles In The 1950s

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“Gender” refers to the cultural construction of whether one is female, male, or something else (Kottak 2013: 209). Typically, based on your gender, you are culturally required to follow a particular gender norm, or gender role. Gender roles are the tasks and activities a culture assigns to the sexes (Kottak 213: 209). The tasks and activities assigned are based upon strongly, seized concepts about male and female characteristics, or gender stereotypes. Gender stereotypes…are oversimplified but strongly upheld ideas about bout the characteristics of males and females (Kottak 2013: 209).

My Perspective

Truthfully, I prefer the current gender roles over the traditional gender roles of the 1950s. I prefer the current gender roles over the 1950 gender roles because the gender roles of today are shared more than they were back then. With 1950 gender roles, typically, the men were the ones who worked and brought home the check and the women were the ones who stayed home and cooked, cleaned, and took care of the kids. Times are different now. Gender stratification has changed greatly. Both men and women currently have more freedom, human rights, prestige, personal freedom, and socially valued resources …show more content…

One being, that you can be of more help to your significant other, and the other being, that it can broaden your skills making either you or your children more independent than dependent. The only con of sharing gender roles that comes to mind would most likely be confusion between stereotypical gender roles, which could also prove to be a valid opposing view. It could confuse the gender roles and have your children associating more with the opposite stereotypical gender role; for example, your son associating more with stereotypical female gender roles and your daughter associating more with stereotypical male gender roles. However, that would only occur if there is not a balance of sharing gender

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