Discrimination In Education Essay

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I-search: Discrimination in education

As I was walking my way through my first day of Georgian Forest Elementary School, I, like my peers believed that I was there to receive an education. I could do what everyone else could and treated like everyone the same. At least that’s what I thought. And, then, I saw stares. Thinking that I was the one everyone looked at. However I was wrong. I turned around to see a beautiful little girl child in a wheelchair with her head down. There were whispers, giggles and looks of concern at that time I realized discrimination within children is real.
What I know:

What I know about discrimination in education, is that it is an ongoing issue that gets worst as years progress. A new government survey of parents …show more content…

I was a bit disappointed that there wasn’t any major information on my topic. I then realized that they needed to update some articles, and provide newer information on topics. Under those circumstances I still needed to find credible information, to further support my research. Afterwards, I decided to search different credible websites, I searched for articles and eBooks. There were a lot of articles because this topic is full of information all over the web. I then felt that I needed to go deeper with my research. I then proceeded to interview with my neighbor, to further illustrate my purpose. She has an autistic child, named Kelly. Her child is in a program at John F Kennedy High School. Considering developing more research, I wanted to know what really goes on. From her perspective whereas me only doing online research. I first wrote on my notepad app on my phone, what 3 main point I wanted to discuss. For a start I asked how her child is facing discrimination throughout her school life, and outside of it. She told me when she brings Kelly into a public place people stare, whisper and point. When Kelly is at school other children continuously mock her calling her retarded, dumb etc. Which touched my heart because I see it happening all the time in the school systems. Kelly is a burst of energy she loves to run …show more content…

After much research I went in depth of how children with autism are discriminated against their peers. In school and everywhere they go. Many studies have shown how important it is to raise awareness to stop the discrimination, of people who can’t help but be themselves. There are countless solutions to letting discrimination dye down. It all starts with you, and also parents teaching their children and others about autism and raising awareness. Children with autism are just like everyone else in this world and they shall be treated

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