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Discrimination in education essay
Discrimination in education essay
Discrimination and its effects on the students
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As I was walking my way through my first day of Georgian Forest Elementary School, I, like my peers believed that I was there to receive an education. I could do what everyone else could and treated like everyone the same. At least that’s what I thought. And, then, I saw stares. Thinking that I was the one everyone looked at. However I was wrong. I turned around to see a beautiful little girl child in a wheelchair with her head down. There were whispers, giggles and looks of concern at that time I realized discrimination within children is real.
What I know:
What I know about discrimination in education, is that it is an ongoing issue that gets worst as years progress. A new government survey of parents
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I was a bit disappointed that there wasn’t any major information on my topic. I then realized that they needed to update some articles, and provide newer information on topics. Under those circumstances I still needed to find credible information, to further support my research. Afterwards, I decided to search different credible websites, I searched for articles and eBooks. There were a lot of articles because this topic is full of information all over the web. I then felt that I needed to go deeper with my research. I then proceeded to interview with my neighbor, to further illustrate my purpose. She has an autistic child, named Kelly. Her child is in a program at John F Kennedy High School. Considering developing more research, I wanted to know what really goes on. From her perspective whereas me only doing online research. I first wrote on my notepad app on my phone, what 3 main point I wanted to discuss. For a start I asked how her child is facing discrimination throughout her school life, and outside of it. She told me when she brings Kelly into a public place people stare, whisper and point. When Kelly is at school other children continuously mock her calling her retarded, dumb etc. Which touched my heart because I see it happening all the time in the school systems. Kelly is a burst of energy she loves to run …show more content…
After much research I went in depth of how children with autism are discriminated against their peers. In school and everywhere they go. Many studies have shown how important it is to raise awareness to stop the discrimination, of people who can’t help but be themselves. There are countless solutions to letting discrimination dye down. It all starts with you, and also parents teaching their children and others about autism and raising awareness. Children with autism are just like everyone else in this world and they shall be treated
A longstanding national issue that continues to concern the public is the disproportionate representation of children from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds in special education. The fact is that the proportion of minority students in the population of school-age children has risen dramatically to over 35%, which is increasing the diversity of students in many public schools throughout the nation. This makes the phenomenon of disproportionality especially troubling. With a growing population of minority children comprising a greater percentage of public school students, we must be responsive to the growing needs of an increasingly diverse society. The overrepresentation of minority students in special education has been posed as an issue for more than 3 decades, but it is worth asking whether the efforts of legislative actions, educational reforms and legal challenges have really made improvements to this issue. More importantly, disproportionality should be examined as a correlation to underlying conditions that can pose a great effect upon not only the quality of a child’s education, but also ______.
Discrimination is a disease; a sickness that has plagued American society for hundreds of years. It can be seen and experienced everywhere. The slandering of people because of their ethnic background, religion, or social status. Why is there discrimination in the world? Hate, envy, racism, selfishness; these traits are not instinctive, rather, they are learned. It does not matter where anti-social traits are initially experienced, whether it is found in the home, or school, or even in the nursery, the results are the same. Children that are exposed to discrimination at an early age could have a propensity towards violent behavior as they mature. Children must be shown that discriminatory behavior is not acceptable, and traits, such as compassion, are acceptable. Too many children today are left alone or unsupervised by guardians and parents. In today’s society, it is a common trend for both the mother and father to work. Young children are many times left in the care of schools, friends, neighbors, and relatives. In these cases children behave in ways that imitate real life. Discrimination can be found almost anywhere. Television, tabloids, and especially the news, reveal discrimination on a daily basis. Writers use the theme of discrimination to reflect the harshness of the world; the true nature of man is to degrade those that are different. But through compassion and understanding one can rise above the fascist views life has impinged on us. Black Boy, by Richard Wright, and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain serve as good examples of how one can rise above discrimination and catch a glimpse of a world of equality.
The inequality in Australian education can be attributed to a history of low expectations and discrimination placed on Indigenous people by the government and society. Aboriginal children were denied the right to education until the 1970s due to the discrimitory views of the government and society. The Indigenous population were the sub-standard race of humanity with little to no chance of succeeding in life and these attitudes affected the educational choices offered to them (Ray & Poonwassie, 1992). As the superior race, the Anglo-Celtic Australians, considered themselves both intellectually and socio-culturally more advanced than their inferior Aboriginal neighbours (Foley, 2013). As a consequence of these racially and culturally motivated preconceptions, children of Aboriginal descent were considered unskilled outside of their own and were deemed incapable of excelling in ‘civilised’ white society (Foley, 2013). As a result, the Australian Government, in an effort to civilise and nurture politeness within the Aboriginal people, constructed “structured” (p 139) education training institutions in 1814. However, these problems only provided sufficient schooling for menial work: Aboriginal male children were prepared for agricultural employment, while girls were trained for domesticated services (Foley, 2013). Thus, as a direct consequence of low expectation for life success, Aboriginal children were offered minimal schooling ‘consistent with the perception about the limitations inherent in their race and their expected station in life at the lowest rung of white society’ (Beresford & Partington, 2003, p43). According to Foley (2013) this combination of low expectations and poor academic grounding meant that Indigenous children we...
...er how hard teachers try to make students learn, if the students don’t want to, then they won’t. The only sure fire way to decrease the so-called discrimination is to make students dedicated to learning and thus make it one of their top priorities. If not, then there will continue to be many problems and an increasing number of cases concerning discrimination within the education system.
Dr. Kim Stringer, Pediatrics-Child Development, reached out to me to meet to discuss assisting a student with qualitative methods of research, mainly key informant interviews. The student’s project focuses on attitudes about autism. I wanted your thoughts before I proceed with anything.
Prejudice, racism, discrimination have always been present in society. Combined together, they form one of the most terrible and dreadful ways of treating and thinking about another human being. The effects of these actions and views on individuals have impacted society in an irreparable and tragic way. Judging someone by the color of their skin creates permanent impacts in people’s lives. A consequence caused by that old-fashioned way of thinking and seeing society in general is the effects these views have on black children education: a considerable number of American black children suffer to get a good education since they are in preschool.
“If you’ve met one person with autism, you’ve met one person with autism,” Dr. Stephen Shore. I believe this is a powerful quote that truly defines autism and those who have to experience it every day. People who have autism are often stigmatized that they are not like everyone else. This negative image can be blamed on how TV and media represent those with this disorder, according to Douwe. This idea first begs the question, what is normal? In today’s society, people are trying to be like everyone else if this means wearing the same clothes or acting the same as everyone else just to avoid attention. Well, autistic people are not able to hide behind this false curtain. What disadvantages they have is not something they can change, but rather
Autism has been misjudged for many years and some people have gone without treatment and were locked up in mental hospitals for the rest of their lives due to the ignorance of the public... The main problem is that there has not been any productive treatment available to help them in the past. The typical case of autism can be frightening to those who are not educated in the characteristics on how one can be affected by autism and its symptoms. It would be easy to be intimidated and overwhelmed by the reactions of people that have autism. There are several ways to diagnose autism, however it is in many cases not being recognized, and especially in children who have debilitating handicaps such as schizophrenia. There are also the children that may seem very normal and may only have a few symptoms, such as rocking or not being able to
Many Deaf individuals were discriminated and not accepted by the community. They were seen as disabled and people had their own judgments. As I became more familiar with the Autism Culture it has been seen the same. Many people will not accept autistic kiddos because of their behaviors. The book, Sibling and Autism, defines autistic in the following, “A neurological disorder characterized by sensory overstimulation, difficulties in processing stimuli and challenges in social interaction.” (Kingsley, 2011 pg. 14) They will see those kids different from any other kids. Not only by the community but also by the family. Some family that have a child who is autism feel isolated. In fact, in a book called Siblings and Autism, talks about a girl named Debra who had a brother that was autism. She mentions about her family feeling isolate for having an autistic child. However, Debra knew she wasn’t the only sister who had a brother that was autistic. In addition, as a sister she accepted her brother as who he was and embraced his unique
I care because I have a godson who has autism. His name is Zan Torres, and he is three years old. Autism is a mental condition; autism is difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people. For example, Zan has a communicating skills of a one-year-old, and he is three years old. Zan was enrolled in an early development program for children with special needs. Within seven months, Zan went to two different schools because the special education program got cut from previous school. Class sizes are getting bigger and bigger which is a problem, due to the fact there is only one teacher and one assistant per class. With classes getting bigger the student doesn't get the full one on one attention the student needs. I saw from moving to a different school Zan attitude changed from loving school to crying every morning when he was dropped off. It was not because the teachers were cruel to Zan, it was for the reason that he was not close to them like he was to his other teachers. Children with this type of learning disability have a hard time getting comfortable with new people and its time to create a bond with them. A child like Zan was slightly affected by this budget cut and now hundreds of other children are probably being affected in a more negative
For hundreds of years, racial discrimination has been occurring in our society affecting families and underprivileged kids. Therefore, the racial slurs and the actions towards one another is based off bias, where we grew up and how we were raised as a child individually. From past experiences, to our current lifestyle, there will always be a discriminate person or group protesting and starting new revolutions because of the hatred and undoing actions that have occurred in our past society. Racism and bias opinions are understandable because they derive from from a person’s cultural influences, exposure to dominant racial organizations, and the tendency to conform to expected stereotypes.
Children with disabilities are more in the public eye than years ago, although they are still treated differently. Our society treats them differently from lack of education on special needs. The society labels them and make their lives more difficult than it has to be becau...
Prejudice and discrimination have both been prevalent throughout human history. Prejudice deals with the inflexible and irrational attitudes and opinions that are held by others of one group against those of another. Discrimination on the other hand refers to the behaviors directed against another group. Prejudiced individuals have preconceived beliefs about groups of people or cultural practices. There are both positive and negative forms of prejudice, however, the negative form of prejudice leads to discrimination. Individuals that practice discrimination do so to protect opportunities for themselves, by denying access to those whom they believe do not deserve the same treatment as everyone else. An example of discrimination based on prejudice involves the Jews. “Biased sentiments and negative stereotypes of Jews have been a part of Western tradition for centuries and, in fact, have been stronger and more vicious in Europe than in the United States. For nearly two millennia, European Jews have been chastised and persecuted as the “killers of Christ” and stereotyped as materialistic moneylenders and crafty business owners (Healey, p.65). The prejudice against these groups led to the discrimination against them.
Discrimination is a feasible method of making decisions in life based on the group, class, or category to which a person belongs to. “In an ideal world, people would be equal in rights, opportunities, and responsibilities, despite their race or gender. In the world we live in, however, we constantly face all kinds of neglect based on different attributes.” When one hears the word discrimination, the first thought that comes to mind is racial discrimination. In fact, it does not solely have to be racial discrimination. There are many forms of discrimination such as age, disability, transgender, and sex discrimination. This paper will focus on discrimination based on gender, race and age in the workplaces.
This Paper is going to examine Autism. What is Autism? Autism is a disorder that affects an individual brain, impacting their development, causing delays such as cognitive, Language, and behavioral (Karst & Vaughn, Van Heck, 2012). Autism is classified as DSM-IV-TR disorder (Blewitt& Broderick, 2015). Autism does not discriminate it can affect anyone regardless of their race or social background. The probability that a child may be impacted from autism is 1 out of 110 (Blewitt& Broderick ,2015). Child development is important to the field of human service. Autism is a disorder that signifies a child development is not progressing. Dating back to the 1960’s many social scientists such as Sigmund Freud and Piaget began to study the development