Racism Effects On Education Essay

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Prejudice, racism, discrimination have always been present in society. Combined together, they form one of the most terrible and dreadful ways of treating and thinking about another human being. The effects of these actions and views on individuals have impacted society in an irreparable and tragic way. Judging someone by the color of their skin creates permanent impacts in people’s lives. A consequence caused by that old-fashioned way of thinking and seeing society in general is the effects these views have on black children education: a considerable number of American black children suffer to get a good education since they are in preschool. That lack and weak basis of education has not only a huge impact on black children’s future professional lives, but also an impact on their mindset and on them as growing and grown-up individuals. Since they don’t get a good education, it is more likely that they won’t succeed in high school, won’t get a good job, won’t build a successful career and won’t evolve their mindset. The majority of black …show more content…

However, much more than that, a change in society is even more indispensable. The only way of possible making a change in the situation is to make a change in the root of the problem: racism and education. A lot of people still have racism implanted on their heads, and that kind of mentality needs to be modified immediately. And combined to that, a reform in the education system is also needed, in a way that would be equal for everyone, no matter race, sex or age. That change needs to be made before those children grow up because even though a strong educational basis is not a guarantee of success, it is for sure the key for it. Trying to transform the situation after those children become grown-ups is even harder since they would have already spent an enormous part of their life failing because of the lack of knowledge and education they got when

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