Discipline in the 80's Classroom

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Growing up as child of the 80's and early 90's, if I went to school and received a paddling or

spanking for doing something wrong, I was quite aware of, or at least had the knowledge of the bad

behavior that was disregarded and the consequences of my inappropriate action. Furthermore, being

conscious of the fact that my parents were hundred percent supportive of corporal punishment in any

school district I attended, whether it was in the public or private school setting. In addition, being raised

to understand that discipline at school was the same at home. No questions asked. However, it has

come to my attention that the same beliefs are not substantially reflected amongst parents and teachers

of the 41st century. So my question is this, is discipline necessary in the class? And if so, how can we

find a middle ground of discipline to suit both parents and teachers equally?

There are five delusions about disciplining students in the classroom: “If your lessons are

engaging, you wont have discipline problems” (Boyd 2012). The truth is, you may have fewer student

behavioral issues, but there isn't a hundred percent guarantee that every single lesson plan a teacher

gives is going to have every students undivided attention. The misbehavior of a student can be

influenced in several ways, for example; whether the student likes his or her teacher, whether their best

friend is participating in the class (peer pressure), if the student had a good breakfast or are in need of

nutrient, lack of hydration, depression, or even from lack of a full nights sleep. The second

assumption: “Teachers need to find their own style of discipline.”(Boyd 2012) This conception is the


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...d a reasonable compromise or more common ground amongst all parties.

Works Cited

Boyd, L. (2012. 5 myths about student discipline. Educational Leadership, 70(2), 62.

Englehart, J.M.(2012). Five half-truths about classroom management. Clearing House, 85(2),


Guradino, C.A., & Fullerton, E. (2010). Changing behaviors by changing the classroom

environment. Teaching Exceptional Children, 42(6), 8-13.

Jewell, J.D., Krohn, E.J., Scott, V.G., Carlton, M., & Meinz, E. (2008). The differential impact

of mothers' and fathers' discipline on preschool children's home and classroom behavior.

North American Journal of Psychology, 10(1), 173-188.

Way, S.M. (2011). School discipline and disruptive classroom behavior: the moderating effects

of student perceptions. Sociological Quarterly, 52(3), 346-375.

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