Different Forms Of Delusion In The Ways We Lie, By William Lutz

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As John Ruskin once said, “The essence of lying is in deception, not in words.” This essence is debated in “The Ways We Lie”, written by Stephanie Ericsson, and “Doubts about Doublespeak”, written by William Lutz. In “The Ways We Lie”, Ericsson talks about the different ways people lie on a day to day basis. By comparison, in “Doubts about Doublespeak”, Lutz discusses the different forms of doublespeak that many individuals frequently use. Lutz considers doublespeak as a language that distorts the meaning of words in order to deceive another person, and only “pretends to communicate” (83). Although both authors agree that lying is about the use of deceptive language, Ericsson describes this use of language as occasionally being necessary, …show more content…

According to Ericcson, delusion can best be explained through a quote by Eric Hoffer; “We lie loudest when we lie to ourselves.” (Ericcson 80). In other words, Ericsson considers delusion as when a man believes what he wants to be the truth in order to make an excuse and justify his actions, which would otherwise be considered harmful towards himself or others. Someone who is considered delusional, as many would call it, is someone who lives in a fantasy world and continuously lies to himself about who he really is. For instance, Ericsson uses the example of an alcoholic who mistakenly deludes himself into actually believing that the troubles going on in his life is a good enough reason to start drinking as opposed to his troubles being the results of the drinking. In these types of situations, Ericsson would probably agree with Lutz that delusion should be considered unjustifiable. As in white lies, Lutz describe delusion as some form of euphemism. They both involve lying, whether to oneself in delusion or somebody else in euphemism, in order avoid “a harsh and distasteful reality” (Lutz 82). However, the difference between Ericsson’s and Lutz’s views is that just as in white lies, Ericsson believes that while delusion can often be harmful and have many negative effects on someone’s life, he can also envision a situation where delusion can be beneficial and therefore justifiable. For instance, Ericsson describes delusion as a surviving tool that everyone uses on a day-to-day basis. He goes on to say that if there were no delusions at all and everybody fully understood all the consequences of their actions such as stockpiling nuclear weapons or global warming, that they wouldn’t be able to “function on a day-day level”, as thinking too much about the possible reality of these events can often be seen as “paralyzing” on the mind

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