Difference Between Army Ethic And The Profession Of Arms

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The Army Ethic and The Profession of Arms
This is an information paper on the Army White Paper, The Profession of Arms. The white paper begins by asserting that there is a difference between a profession and an occupation. This distinction is based on a number of factors, including expertise, trust, and ethic. The Army has demonstrated varying degrees of professionalism in different times. Typically, the Army is most professional during expansion that often accompanies war—and most occupational during periods of contraction. In the past, only the Officer corps was viewed as a profession, however, now we understand that the entire Army must embody the "Profession of Arms." The defining feature of the Army profession is the Army Ethic.
The Army Ethic drives the Army culture. The Army culture is comprised by three overarching themes: professional identity, community, and Hierarchy. Professional identity inspires Soldiers to strive to achieve their best. It is supported by the ethics of service and duty first. Community forms the bonds within units; community is built through trust. Hierarchy is both explicit and implicit within the army culture and it serves to provide the Army with accountability and responsibility. Thus, the Army culture is a byproduct of the Army Ethic. …show more content…

The defining features of a profession are expertise, trust, development, values, and service. Soldiers become experts by improving their skill, either through self-development or through a leaders development program. Without the desire to be better, Soldiers would not put in the effort to improve. Professional identity provides this desire to self-improve. The Army community creates the space for trust to flourish, and trust is an integral piece of professionalism. Values and service are more aspects of professionalism, which are closely tied to the Army culture—and by extension—the Army

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