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Complications of diabetes essay
Literature review diabetic retinopathy
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There are all different types of medical and disable human beings out in this world. There are also different types of disabilities such as a physical or mental condition that limits a person 's movements, senses, or activities. I choose a sensory impairment, Diabetic Retinopathy which is one of the types of visual impairments that people may happen to get. You also have four other types of visual impairments, cataracts, glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa, and retrolental fibroplasia that you can also get. Diabetic Retinopathy is a complication of diabetes that affect the eyes.
Well how can you get it? Well it’s caused by damaged blood vessels in the tissue that the retina which is located at the back of the eye. When blood sugar levels are too high for extended periods of time, it can damage capillaries which are tiny blood vessels that supply blood to the retina. Over time these blood vessels begin to leak fluids and fats, causing edema. Then the vessels can close off which is called ischemia. These types of signs are non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (“Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment,”2016).
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There are three parts to the eye exam, the visual acuity exam. This test uses an eye chart to measure how good you can see an object details or the shape of an object at a far distance. 20/20 is the perfect visual acuity and if you 're legally blind than its worse than or equal to 20/200 in both eyes. The second exam is called the slit lamp exam which is a type of microscope that is used to examine the front part of the eye,, that includes the eyelids, conjunctiva, sclera, cornea, iris, anterior chamber, the lens, and part of the retina and optic nerve. The third exam is called dilated exam. Dilated exam is when drops are placed in the eyes to widen or dilate the pupil to enable your eye M.D. to examine the retina and optic nerve for signs of damage (“Diabetic Retinopathy
I. Attention A. Are you comfortable with Autism, Intellectual Disability, or Down Syndrome? This is the question that people in their heads feel when they meet a disable person. Invisible disabilities are disabilities that are not immediately apparent. For instance, some people with visual or auditory disabilities who do not wear glasses or hearing aids, may not be obviously disabled. Some people who have vision loss may not wear the dark glasses.
children or adults who are severely disabled. Rarely is one found to have a ‘
Retinitis pigmentosa is a genetic disorder that causes blindness in the people that are affected by it. I chose retinitis pigmentosa because my grandmother has this genetic disorder. The disorder is very costly on those who have it. The disorder has robbed my grandmother of the life she wanted. She is no longer able to do the things she once was. She is legally blind, cannot drive, and has trouble getting around crowded areas. Retinitis pigmentosa was discovered by Doctor Donders in 1857. Retinitis pigmentosa is a very serious disorder in how it occurs, its signs and symptoms, its prevalence, and how its treated.
When the blood glucose is higher than the normal levels, this is known as diabetes disease. The body turns the food we eat into glucose or sugar and use it for energy. The insulin is a hormone created by the pancreas to help the glucose get into the cells. The sugar builds up in the blood because either the body doesn’t make enough insulin or can’t well use its own insulin (CDC, 2015). In the United States diabetes is known as the seventh leading cause of death. There are different types of diabetes. However, there are two main types of diabetes and these are; Diabetes type 1 and Diabetes type 2 (CDC, 2015).
This consists of damage to my heart and blood vessels, eye damage, and foot and skin damage (Mayo, 2014). Diabetes leads to heart disease because high blood sugars over a long period of time are very damaging to the body’s cells and nerves (Mayo, 2014). Another complication of diabetes is neuropathy, which is a sensation of tingling, numbness, and burning in the fingers and toes. This damage occurs because excess sugar in the walls of blood vessels can injure the vessels and cause them to break down (Mayo, 2014).
A disability is situation which restrict individual's intellectual, sensory, or mobility functions to perform a task in the same way as individual who does not have a disability. (The Union physical Impaired against Segregation (UPIAS) disability is restriction caused by a contemporary social organisation which takes little account of people who have physical and therefore excludes them from the mainstream of social activities). (digitalcommons.olin.edu, 2016)
...in sources of energy. When cells cannot absorb sugar, you can become fatigued or feel exhausted” (Healhline), complain of blurred vision” In the short term, high glucose levels can cause a swelling of the lens in the eye. This leads to blurry vision. Getting your blood sugar under control can help correct vision problems. If blood sugar levels remain high for a long time, other eye problems can occur” (HealthLine), experience nocturia “Elevated glucose levels force fluids from your cells. This increases the amount of fluid delivered to the kidneys. This makes you need to urinate more. It may also eventually make you dehydrated” (Healthline), and have sores and cuts that will not heal “Elevated glucose levels may make it harder for your body to heal. Therefore, injuries like cuts and sores stay open longer. This makes them more susceptible to infection” (HealthLine).
Ability and disability entails the ability to do things others can do or the inability to do something due to physical challenges, mental or emotional challenges that one possesses within their immediate surroundings. Basing on positionality, ability and disability is a key attribute that can make a person to be viewed different within their immediate societies. These attributes can make one to be embraced or sideline within their immediate surroundings.
These types of damage are the result of damage to small vessels, referred to as microvascular disease, Diabetes also is an important factor in accelerating the hardening and narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis), leading to strokes, coronary heart disease, and other large blood vessel diseases. This is referred to as macrovascular disease” (Conrad Stöppler & Shiel Jr., 2016). Over time the kidneys may begin to fail, so the patient with have to have dialysis in order to filter their blood, since the kidneys have become damaged and are unable to do so properly, and eventually have to have a kidney transplant. The first sign of diabetes is starting to affect the eyesight is a person with diabetes will have to start wearing glasses, which has happened to my son approximately three years ago. He was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when he was two years old, he is now fifteen years old, and he has an insulin pump the doctor recommended this when he was five years old. The insulin pump works great for him, but we still monitor his glucose levels and watch his diet carefully, since another medical problem with juvenile diabetes is a risk of becoming overweight and eventually
“Diabetes mellitus (sometimes called "sugar diabetes") is a condition that occurs when the body can't use glucose (a type of sugar) normally. Glucose is the main source of energy for the body's cells. The levels of glucose in the blood are controlled by a hormone called insulin, which is made by the pancreas. Insulin helps glucose enter the cells” (Diabetes Mellitus).
Disability is the condition of being disabled and the inability to pursue an occupation because of a physical or mental impairment. A national health and nutrition examination survey showed that with the exception
Regarding to the ocular examination, the patient's visual acuity without optical correction (spectacle) was good 20/20 in both eyes. IOP measurements was 18 mmHg on the right eye and 16 mmHg in the left eye. The pupil was equal, round and reactive to light with no afferent pupillary defect in both eyes. In extarocular movement test, there was limited downward gaze with
The standard tests that an ophthalmologist will give a new and continuing patient are checking color vision, visual acuity which is when the patient reads a word or picture chart off the wall to check the smallest letters or pictures to be read, and a refraction test to check an existing eyeglass prescription. If retinal detachment is suspected they will do a fluorescein angiography to check the blood flow in the retina. This is done by using a special dye and a camera and a scope called an ophthalmoscopy. The ophthalmologist will also most likely do a slit-lamp examination to check the structures of the front of the eye and tonometry which checks the pressure inside the eye. An ultrasound of the eye can determine how severe a retinal detachment is and what treatment procedures can be done to correct it if possible (Frazier
Eyes: Diabetes causes your vision to go bad by damaging the small blood vessels within the eye, this is called retinopathy. This can lead to blindness. Consequently, having your vision compromised can lead to functional deficits, medication errors, as well as falls.
Diabetic retinopathy is caused by excessive blood glucose in uncontrolled diabetics. There are three stages of the disease. In background retinopathy, the earliest stage, the